grid-template-columns – CSS-Tricks Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets. Wed, 25 Jan 2023 16:05:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 grid-template-columns – CSS-Tricks 32 32 45537868 Animating CSS Grid (How To + Examples) Wed, 25 Jan 2023 16:05:04 +0000 I’m pleased to shine a light on the fact that the CSS grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns properties are now animatable in all major web browsers! Well, CSS Grid has technically supported animations for a long time, as it’s baked right

Animating CSS Grid (How To + Examples) originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I’m pleased to shine a light on the fact that the CSS grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns properties are now animatable in all major web browsers! Well, CSS Grid has technically supported animations for a long time, as it’s baked right into the CSS Grid Layout Module Level 1 spec.

But animating these grid properties only recently gained supported by all three major browsers. Shall we take a look at a few examples to get the creative juices flowing?

Example 1: Expanding sidebar

First of all, this is what we’re talking about:

A simple two-column grid. Now, before, you might not have built this using CSS Grid because animations and transitions weren’t supported, but what if you wanted the left column — perhaps a sidebar navigation — to expand on hover? Well, now that’s possible.

I know what you’re thinking: “Animating a CSS property? Easy peasy, I’ve been doing it for years!” Me too. However, I ran into an interesting snag while experimenting with a particular use case.

So, we want to transition the grid itself (specifically grid-template-columns, which is set on the .grid class in the example). But the left column (.left) is the selector that requires the :hover pseudo-class. While JavaScript can solve this conundrum easily — thanks, but no thanks — we can accomplish it with CSS alone.

Let’s walk through the whole thing, starting with the HTML. Pretty standard stuff really… a grid with two columns.

<div class="grid">
  <div class="left"></div>
  <div class="right"></div>

Putting the cosmetic CSS aside, you’ll first need to set display: grid on the parent container (.grid).

.grid {
  display: grid;

Next, we can define and size the two columns using the grid-template-columns property. We’ll make the left column super narrow, and later increase its width on hover. The right column takes up the rest of the remaining space, thanks to the auto keyword.

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 48px auto;

We know we’re going to animate this thing, so let’s go ahead and throw a transition in there while we’re at it so the change between states is smooth and noticeable.

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 48px auto;
  transition: 300ms; /* Change as needed */

That’s it for the .grid! All that’s left is to apply the hover state. Specifically, we’re going to override the grid-template-columns property so that the left column takes up a greater amount of space on hover.

This alone isn’t all that interesting, although it’s awesome that animations and transitions are supported now in CSS Grid. What’s more interesting is that we can use the relatively new :has() pseudo-class to style the parent container (.grid) while the child (.left) is hovered.

.grid:has(.left:hover) {
  /* Hover styles */

In plain English this is saying, “Do something to the .grid container if it contains an element named .left inside of it that is in a hover state.” That’s why :has() is often referred to as a “parent” selector. We can finally select a parent based on the children it contains — no JavaScript required!

So, let’s increase the width of the .left column to 30% when it is hovered. The .right column will continue to take up all the leftover space:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  transition: 300ms;
  grid-template-columns: 48px auto;

.grid:has(.left:hover) {
  grid-template-columns: 30% auto;

We could use CSS variables as well, which may or may not look cleaner depending on your personal preferences (or you might be using CSS variables in your project anyway):

.grid {
  display: grid;
  transition: 300ms;
  grid-template-columns: var(--left, 48px) auto;

.grid:has(.left:hover) {
  --left: 30%;

I love that CSS grids can be animated now, but the fact that we can build this particular example with just nine lines of CSS is even more astounding.

Here’s another example by Olivia Ng — similar concept, but with content (click on the nav icon):

Example 2: Expanding Panels

This example transitions the grid container (the column widths) but also the individual columns (their background colors). It’s ideal for providing more content on hover.

It’s worth remembering that the repeat() function sometimes produces buggy transitions, which is why I set the width of each column individually (i.e. grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr).

Example 3: Adding Rows and Columns

This example animatedly “adds” a column to the grid. However — you guessed it — this scenario has a pitfall too. The requirement is that the “new” column mustn’t be hidden (i.e. set to display: none), and CSS Grid must acknowledge its existence while setting its width to 0fr.

So, for a three-column grid — grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 0fr (yes, the unit must be declared even though the value is 0!) transitions into grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr correctly, but grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr doesn’t. In hindsight, this actually makes perfect sense considering what we know about how transitions work.

Here’s another example by Michelle Barker — same concept, but with an extra column and lot more pizzazz. Make sure to run this one in full-screen mode because it’s actually responsive (no trickery, just good design!).

A few more examples

Because why not?

This “Animated Mondrian” is the original proof of concept for animated CSS grids by Chrome DevRel. The grid-row‘s and grid-column‘s utilize the span keyword to create the layout you see before you, and then the grid-template-row’s and grid-template-column‘s are animated using a CSS animation. It’s nowhere near as complex as it looks!

Same concept, but with more of that Michelle Barker pizzazz. Could make a nice loading spinner?

Wrapping up with a bit of nostalgia (showing my age here), the not-very-griddy animated CSS grid by Andrew Harvard. Again — same concept — it’s just that you can’t see the other grid items. But don’t worry, they’re there.

Animating CSS Grid (How To + Examples) originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Exploring CSS Grid’s Implicit Grid and Auto-Placement Powers Mon, 01 Aug 2022 13:44:13 +0000 When working with CSS Grid, the first thing to do is to set display: grid on the element that we want to be become a grid container. Then we explicitly define the grid using a combination of grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows

Exploring CSS Grid’s Implicit Grid and Auto-Placement Powers originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

When working with CSS Grid, the first thing to do is to set display: grid on the element that we want to be become a grid container. Then we explicitly define the grid using a combination of grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, and grid-template-areas. And from there, the next step is to place items inside the grid.

This is the classic approach that should be used and I also recommend it. However, there is another approach for creating grids without any explicit definition. We call this the implicit grid.

“Explicit, implicit? What the heck is going on here?”

Strange terms, right? Manuel Matuzovic already has a good explanation of what we may by “implicit” and “explicit” in CSS Grid, but let’s dig straight into what the specification says:

The grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns, and grid-template-areas properties define a fixed number of tracks that form the explicit grid. When grid items are positioned outside of these bounds, the grid container generates implicit grid tracks by adding implicit grid lines to the grid. These lines together with the explicit grid form the implicit grid.

So, in plain English, the browser auto-generates extra rows and columns in case any elements happen to be placed outside the defined grid.

What about auto-placement?

Similar to the concept of implicit grid, auto-placement is the ability of the browser to automatically place the items inside the grid. We don’t always need to give the position of each item.

Through different use cases, we are going to see how such features can help us create complex and dynamic grid with a few lines of code.

Dynamic sidebar

Here, we have three different layouts but we only have one grid configuration that works for all of them.

main {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr;

Only one column is taking up all the free space. This is our “explicit” grid. It’s set up to fit one grid item in the main grid container. That’s all. One column and one row:

But what if we decided to drop another element in there, say an aside (our dynamic sidebar). As it’s currently (and explicitly) defined, our grid will have to adjust automatically to find a place for that element. And if we do nothing else with our CSS, here’s what DevTools tells us is happening.

The element takes up the entire column that is explicitly set on the container. Meanwhile, the falls onto a new row between implicit grid lines labeled 2 and 3. Note that I’m using a 20px gap to help separate things visually.

We can move the <aside> to a column beside the <section>:

aside {
  grid-column-start: 2;

And here’s what DevTools tells us now:

The element is between the grid container’s first and second grid column lines. The starts at the second grid column line and ends at a third line we never declared.

We place our element in the second column but… we don’t have a second column. Weird, right? We never declared a second column on the <main> grid container, but the browser created one for us! This is the key part from the specification we looked at:

When grid items are positioned outside of these bounds, the grid container generates implicit grid tracks by adding implicit grid lines to the grid.

This powerful feature allows us to have dynamic layouts. If we only have the <section> element, all we get is one column. But if we add an <aside> element to the mix, an extra column is created to contain it.

We could place the <aside> before the <section> instead like this:

aside {
  grid-column-end: -2;

This creates the implicit column at the start of the grid, unlike the previous code that places the implicit column at the end.

We can have either a right or left sidebar

We can do the same thing more easily using the grid-auto-flow property to set any and all implicit tracks to flow in a column direction:

Now there’s no need to specify grid-column-start to place the <aside> element to the right of the <section>! In fact, any other grid item we decide to throw in there at any time will now flow in a column direction, each one placed in its own implicit grid tracks. Perfect for situations where the number of items in the grid isn’t known in advance!

That said, we do still need grid-column-end if we want to place it in a column to the left of it because, otherwise, the <aside> will occupy the explicit column which, in turn, pushes the <section> outside the explicit grid and forces it to take the implicit column.

I know, I know. That’s a little convoluted. Here is another example we can use to better understand this little quirk:

In the first example, we didn’t specify any placement. In this case, the browser will first place the <aside> element in the explicit column since it comes first in the DOM. The <section>, meanwhile, is automatically placed in the grid column the browser automatically (or implicitly) creates for us.

In the second example, we set the <aside> element outside of the explicit grid:

aside {
  grid-column-end: -2;

Now it doesn’t matter that <aside> comes first in the HTML. By reassigning <aside> somewhere else, we’ve made the <section> element available to take the explicit column.

Image grid

Let’s try something different with a grid of images where we have a big image and a few thumbnails beside it (or under it).

We have two grid configurations. But guess what? I am not defining any grid at all! All I am doing is this:

.grid img:first-child {
  grid-area: span 3 / span 3;

It’s surprising we only need one line of code to pull off something like this, so let’s dissect what’s going on and you will see that it’s easier than you may think. First of all, grid-area is a shorthand property that combines the following properties into a single declaration:

  • grid-row-start
  • grid-row-end
  • grid-column-start
  • grid-column-end

Wait! Isn’t grid-area the property we use to define named areas instead of where elements start and end on the grid?

Yes, but it also does more. We could write a whole lot more about grid-area, but in this particular case:

.grid img:first-child {
  grid-area: span 3 / span 3;

/* equivalent to: */
.grid img:first-child {
  grid-row-start: span 3;
  grid-column-start: span 3;
  grid-row-end: auto;
  grid-column-end: auto;

We can see the same thing when cracking open DevTools to expand the shorthand version:

This means that the first image element in the grid needs to span three columns and three rows. But since we didn’t define any columns or rows, the browser does it for us.

We’ve essentially placed the first image in the HTML to take up a 3⨉3 grid. That means that any other images will be placed automatically in those same three columns without the need to specify anything new.

To summarize, we told the browser that the first image needs take up the space of three columns and three rows that we never explicitly defined when setting up the grid container. The browser set those columns and rows up for us. As a result, the remaining images in the HTML flow right into place using the same three columns and rows. And since the first image takes up all three columns in the first row, the remaining images flow into additional rows that each contain three columns, where each image takes up a single column.

All this from one line of CSS! That’s the power of “implicit” grid” and auto-placement.

For the second grid configuration in that demo, all I’ve done is change the automatic flow direction using grid-auto-flow: column the same way we did earlier when placing an <aside> element next to a <section>. This forces the browser to create a fourth column it can use to place the remaining images. And since we have three rows, the remaining images get placed inside the same vertical column.

We need to add a few properties to the images to make sure they fit nicely inside the grid without any overflow:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-gap: 10px;

/* for the second grid configuration */
.horizontal {
  grid-auto-flow: column;

/* The large 3⨉3 image */
.grid img:first-child {
  grid-area: span 3 / span 3;

/* Help prevent stretched or distorted images */
img {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  object-fit: cover;

And of course, we can easily update the grid to consider more images by adjusting one value. That would be the 3 in the styles for the large image. We have this:

.grid img:first-child {
  grid-area: span 3 / span 3;

But we could add a fourth column simply by changing it to 4 instead:

.grid img:first-child {
  grid-area: span 4 / span 4;

Even better: let’s set that up as a custom property to make things even easier to update.

Dynamic layouts

The first use case with the sidebar was our first dynamic layout. Now we will tackle more complex layouts where the number of elements will dictate the grid configuration.

In this example, we can have anywhere from one to four elements where the grid adjusts in way that nicely fits the number of elements without leaving any awkward gaps or missing spaces.

When we have one element, we do nothing. The element will stretch to fill the only row and column automatically created by the grid.

Bit when we add the second element, we create another (implicit) column using grid-column-start: 2.

When we add a third element, it should take up the width of two columns — that’s why we used grid-column-start: span 2, but only if it’s the :last-child because if (and when) we add a fourth element, that one should only take up a single column.

Adding that up, we have four grid configurations with only two declarations and the magic of implicit grid:

.grid {
  display: grid;
.grid :nth-child(2) {
  grid-column-start: 2;
.grid :nth-child(3):last-child {
  grid-column-start: span 2;

Let’s try another one:

We’re doing nothing for the first and second cases where we have only one or two elements. When we add a third element, though, we tell the browser that — as long as it’s the :last-child — it should span two columns. When we add a fourth element, we tell the browser that element needs to be placed in the second column.

.grid {
  display: grid;
.grid :nth-child(3):last-child {
  grid-column-start: span 2;
.grid :nth-child(4) {
  grid-column-start: 2;

Are you starting to get the trick? We give the browser specific instructions based on the number of elements (using :nth-child) and, sometimes, one instruction can change the layout completely.

It should be noted that the sizing will not be the same when we work with different content:

Since we didn’t define any sizes for our items, the browser automatically sizes them for us based on their contents and we may end up with different sizing than what we just saw. To overcome this, we have to explicitly specify that all the columns and rows are equally sized:

grid-auto-rows: 1fr;
grid-auto-columns: 1fr;

Hey, we haven’t played with those properties yet! grid-auto-rows and grid-auto-columns set the size of implicit rows and columns, respectively, in a grid container. Or, as the spec explains it:

The grid-auto-columns and grid-auto-rows properties specify the size of tracks not assigned a size by grid-template-rows or grid-template-columns.

Here is another example where we can go up to six elements. This time I will let you dissect the code. Don’t worry, the selectors may look complex but the logic is pretty straightforward.

Even with six elements, we only needed two declarations. Imagine all the complex and dynamic layouts we can achieve with a few lines of code!

What’s going on with that grid-auto-rows and why does it take three values? Are we defining three rows?

No, we are not defining three rows. But we are defining three values as a pattern for our implicit rows. The logic is as follows:

  • If we have one row, it will get sized with the first value.
  • If we have two rows, the first one gets the first value and the second one the second value.
  • If we have three rows, the three values will get used.
  • If we have four rows (and here comes the interesting part), we use the three values for the first three rows and we reuse the first value again for the fourth row. That’s why it’s a kind of pattern that we repeat to size all the implicit rows.
  • If we have 100 rows, they will be sized three-by-three to have 2fr 2fr 1fr 2fr 2fr 1fr 2fr 2fr 1fr, etc.

Unlike grid-template-rows which defines the number of rows and their sizes, grid-auto-rows only sizes row that may get created along the way.

If we get back to our example, the logic is to have equal size when two rows are created (we will use the 2fr 2fr), but if a third row is created we make it a bit smaller.

Grid patterns

For this last one, we are going to talk about patterns. You have probably seen those two column layouts where one column is wider than the other, and each row alternates the placement of those columns.

This sort layout can be difficult too pull off without knowing exactly how much content we’re dealing with, but CSS Grid’s auto-placement powers makes it a relative cinch.

Take a peek at the code. It may look complex but let’s break it down because it winds up being pretty straightforward.

The first thing to do is to identify the pattern. Ask yourself: “After how many elements should the pattern repeat?” In this case it’s after every four elements. So, let’s look at using only four elements for now:

Now, let’s define the grid and set up the general pattern using the :nth-child selector for alternating between elements:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr; /* all the columns are equal */
  grid-auto-rows: 100px; /* all the rows equal to 100px */
.grid :nth-child(4n + 1) { /* ?? */ }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 2) { /* ?? */ }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 3) { /* ?? */ }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 4) { /* ?? */ }

We said that our pattern repeats every four elements, so we will logically use 4n + x where x ranges from 1 to 4. It’s a little easier to explain the pattern this way:

4(0) + 1 = 1 = 1st element /* we start with n = 0 */
4(0) + 2 = 2 = 2nd element
4(0) + 3 = 3 = 3rd element
4(0) + 4 = 4 = 4th element
4(1) + 1 = 5 = 5th element /* our pattern repeat here at n = 1 */
4(1) + 2 = 6 = 6th element
4(1) + 3 = 7 = 7th element
4(1) + 4 = 8 = 8th element
4(2) + 1 = 9 = 9th element /* our pattern repeat again here at n = 2 */

Perfect, right? We have four elements, and repeat the pattern on the fifth element, the ninth element and so on.

Those :nth-child selectors can be tricky! Chris has a super helpful explanation of how it all works, including recipes for creating different patterns.

Now we configure each element so that:

  1. The first element needs to take two columns and start at column one (grid-column: 1/span 2).
  2. The second element is placed in the third column (grid-column-start: 3).
  3. The third element is placed at the first column: (grid-column-start: 1).
  4. The fourth element takes two columns and starts at the second column: (grid-column: 2/span 2).

Here that is in CSS:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr; /* all the columns are equal */
  grid-auto-rows: 100px; /* all the rows are equal to 100px */
.grid :nth-child(4n + 1) { grid-column: 1/span 2; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 2) { grid-column-start: 3; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 3) { grid-column-start: 1; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 4) { grid-column: 2/span 2; }

We could stop here and be done… but we can do better! Specifically, we can remove some declarations and rely grid’s auto-placement powers to do the job for us. This is the trickiest part to grok and requires a lot of practice to be able to identify what can be removed.

The first thing we can do is update grid-column: 1 /span 2 and use only grid-column: span 2 since, by default, the browser will place the first item into the first column. We can also remove this:

.grid :nth-child(4n + 3) { grid-column-start: 1; }

By placing the first, second, and fourth items, the grid automatically places the third item in the correct place. That means we’re left with this:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-rows: 100px; /* all the rows are equal to 100px */
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr; /* all the columns are equal */
.grid :nth-child(4n + 1) { grid-column: span 2; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 2) { grid-column-start: 3; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 4) { grid-column: 2/span 2; }

But c’mon we can stroll do better! We can also remove this:

.grid :nth-child(4n + 2) { grid-column-start: 3; }

Why? If we place the fourth element in the second column while allowing it to take up two full columns, we’re forcing the grid to create a third implicit column, giving us a total of three columns without explicitly telling it to. The fourth element cannot go into the first row since the first item is also taking two columns, so it flows to the next row. This configuration leave us with an empty column in the first row and an empty one in the second row.

I think you know the end of the story. The browser will automatically place the second and third items in those empty spots. So our code becomes even simpler:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr; /* all the columns are equal */
  grid-auto-rows: 100px; /* all the rows are equal to 100px */
.grid :nth-child(4n + 1) { grid-column: span 2; }
.grid :nth-child(4n + 4) { grid-column: 2/span 2; }

All it takes is five declarations to create a very cool and very flexible pattern. The optimization part may be tricky, but you get used to it and gain some tricks with practice.

Why not use grid-template-columns to define explicit columns since we know the number of columns?

We can do that! Here’s the code for it:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); /* all the columns are equal */
  grid-auto-rows: 100px; /* all the rows are equal to 100px */
.grid :nth-child(4n + 1),
.grid :nth-child(4n + 4) {
  grid-column: span 2;

As you can see, the code is definitely more intuitive. We define three explicit grid columns and we tell the browser that the first and fourth elements need to take two columns. I highly recommend this approach! But the goal of this article is to explore new ideas and tricks that we get from CSS Grid’s implicit and auto-placement powers.

The explicit approach is more straightforward, while an implicit grid requires you to — pardon the pun — fill in the gaps where CSS is doing additional work behind the scenes. In the end, I believe that having a solid understanding of implicit grids will help you better understand the CSS Grid algorithm. After all, we are not here to study what’s obvious — we are here to explore wild territories!

Let’s try another pattern, a bit quicker this time:

Our pattern repeats every six elements. The third and fourth elements each need to occupy two full rows. If we place the third and the fourth elements, it seems that we don’t need to touch the others, so let’s try the following:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr;
  grid-auto-rows: 100px;
.grid :nth-child(6n + 3) {
  grid-area: span 2/2; /* grid-row-start: span 2 && grid-column-start: 2 */
.grid :nth-child(6n + 4) {
  grid-area: span 2/1; /* grid-row-start: span 2 && grid-column-start: 1 */

Hmm, no good. We need to place the second element in the first column. Otherwise, the grid will automatically place it in the second column.

.grid :nth-child(6n + 2) {
  grid-column: 1; /* grid-column-start: 1 */

Better, but there’s still more work, We need to shift the third element to the top. It’s tempting to try placing it in the first row this way:

.grid :nth-child(6n + 3) {
  grid-area: 1/2/span 2; 
    /* Equivalent to:
       grid-row-start: 1;
       grid-row-end: span 2;
       grid-column-start: 2 

But this doesn’t work because it forces all the 6n + 3 elements to get placed in the same area which makes a jumbled layout. The real solution is to keep the initial definition of the third element and add grid-auto-flow: dense to fill the gaps. From MDN:

[The] “dense” packing algorithm attempts to fill in holes earlier in the grid, if smaller items come up later. This may cause items to appear out-of-order, when doing so would fill in holes left by larger items. If it is omitted, a “sparse” algorithm is used, where the placement algorithm only ever moves “forward” in the grid when placing items, never backtracking to fill holes. This ensures that all of the auto-placed items appear “in order”, even if this leaves holes that could have been filled by later items.

I know this property is not very intuitive but never forget it when you face a placement issue. Before trying different configurations in vain, add it because it may fix your layout with no additional effort.

Why not always add this property by default?

I don’t recommend it because, in some cases, we don’t want that behavior. Note how the MDN’s explanation there mentions it causes items to flow “out-of-order” to fill holes left by larger items. Visual order is usually just as important as the source order, particularly when it comes to accessible interfaces, and grid-auto-flow: dense can sometimes cause a mismatch between the visual and source order.

Our final code is then:

.grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-auto-columns: 1fr;
  grid-auto-flow: dense;
  grid-auto-rows: 100px;
.grid :nth-child(6n + 2) { grid-column: 1; }
.grid :nth-child(6n + 3) { grid-area: span 2/2; }
.grid :nth-child(6n + 4) { grid-row: span 2; }

Another one? Let’s go!

For this one, I will not talk too much and instead show you an illustration of the code I have used. Try to see if you get how I reached that code:

The items in black are implicitly placed in the grid. It should be noted that we can get the same layout more ways than how I got there. Can you figure those out, too? What about using grid-template-columns? Share your works in the comment section.

I am gonna leave you with a last pattern:

I do have a solution for this one but it’s your turn to practice. Take all that we have learned and try to code this by yourself and then compare it with my solution. Don’t worry if you end with something verbose — the most important thing is finding a working solution.

Want more?

Before we end I want to share a few Stack Overflow questions related to CSS Grid where I jumped in with answers that use many of the techniques we covered here together. It’s a good list that shows just how many real use cases and real-world situations come up where these things come in handy:

Wrapping up

CSS Grid has been around for years, but there are still a lot of little-known and used tricks that aren’t widely discussed. The implicit grid and auto-placement features are two of them!

And yes, this can get challenging! It has taken me a lot of time to grok the logic behind implicit grids and I still struggle with auto-placement. If you want to spend more time wrapping your head around explicit and implicit grids, here are a couple of additional explanations and examples worth checking out:

Similarly, you might want to read about grid-auto-columns in the CSS-Tricks Almanac because Mojtaba Seyedi goes into great detail and includes incredibly helpful visuals to help explain the behavior.

Like I said when we started, the methods we covered here are not meant to replace the common ways you already know for building grids. I am simply exploring different ways that can be helpful in some cases.

Exploring CSS Grid’s Implicit Grid and Auto-Placement Powers originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Accordion Rows in CSS Grid Thu, 23 Jul 2020 20:15:46 +0000 I’d bet grid-template-columns is used about 10× more than grid-template-rows, but maybe everyone has just been missing out. Eric Meyer chucks a bunch of row lines onto his main site layout grid like this:

grid-template-rows: repeat(7, min-content) 1fr repeat(3, 

Accordion Rows in CSS Grid originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I’d bet grid-template-columns is used about 10× more than grid-template-rows, but maybe everyone has just been missing out. Eric Meyer chucks a bunch of row lines onto his main site layout grid like this:

grid-template-rows: repeat(7, min-content) 1fr repeat(3, min-content);

That way, if you need to use them they are they for you:

like this pattern. It feels good to me, having two sets of rows where the individual rows accordion open to accept content when needed, and collapse to zero height when not, with a “blank” row in between the sets that pushes them apart. It’s flexible, and even allows me to add more rows to the sets without having to rewrite all my layout styles.

To Shared LinkPermalink on CSS-Tricks

Accordion Rows in CSS Grid originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Equal Width Columns in CSS Grid are Kinda Weird Wed, 13 May 2020 23:13:40 +0000 Everything is flexible these days. If you write grid-template-columns: 200px 200px 200px;, sure, you’d have equal-width columns, but that’s a rare day. What you usually mean is three columns of equal fluid width.

We’ve got fractional units for …

Equal Width Columns in CSS Grid are Kinda Weird originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Everything is flexible these days. If you write grid-template-columns: 200px 200px 200px;, sure, you’d have equal-width columns, but that’s a rare day. What you usually mean is three columns of equal fluid width.

We’ve got fractional units for that, like grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr fr;. That’s usually fine, but they aren’t very sturdy like pixels. A large bit of media (or something like a <pre>, or long bit of text like a URL) can cause those columns to stretch and that’s almost never what you want. I’ve called that a grid blowout. The big idea is that the minimum width of a 1fr column is auto, not 0. In other words,. those widened columns are just being as narrow as they know how to be!

To fix that, we can do like:

.el {
  grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 1fr) minmax(0, 1fr) minmax(0, 1fr);

..or we could shorten it:

.el {
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr));

It’s a little awkward, but OK. You only gotta learn it once. You might not even ever run into this if you’re always setting max-width on your media and handling line breaks.

If you want to make your columns sturdy again without the minmax dance, you could use percentages rather than pixels and stay flexible. But what percentage do you use? 33.33%? That’s fine as long as you don’t have any gap — otherwise, the gap will add to the width and overflow the container. You could fake gaps by putting padding inside the columns, but that’s a little janky and uneven.

This whole thing comes from a great tweet from Wes Bos:

I know a ton of people run into this — based on the number of emails I get about the grid blowout article — so it’s worth kinda internalizing why all this is the way it is. It probably should be easier but I don’t have any particular suggestions on how it could be.

Equal Width Columns in CSS Grid are Kinda Weird originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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4 CSS Grid Properties (and One Value) for Most of Your Layout Needs Mon, 30 Mar 2020 14:20:43 +0000 CSS Grid provides us with a powerful layout system for websites. The CSS-Tricks guide gives you a comprehensive overview of Grid’s properties with layout examples. What we’re going to do here is a reverse approach to show you the smallest …

4 CSS Grid Properties (and One Value) for Most of Your Layout Needs originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

CSS Grid provides us with a powerful layout system for websites. The CSS-Tricks guide gives you a comprehensive overview of Grid’s properties with layout examples. What we’re going to do here is a reverse approach to show you the smallest possible set of grid properties you need to know to meet most of your layout needs.

These five properties will get you up and running:

  • display (for the grid value)
  • grid-template-columns
  • grid-gap
  • grid-auto-flow
  • grid-column / grid-row

Here’s how simple it is. Let’s assume you want to implement the following layout for small, medium and large screens.

Small and medium-sized screens
Large screen layout

This is the markup we’ll be working with:

<!-- Stuff before -->

<nav class="container-nav">

<div class="container-main">
  <section class="item item-type-a"></section>
  <section class="item item-type-b"></section>
  <section class="item item-type-b"></section>
  <section class="item container-inner">
    <section class="item-inner"></section>
    <section class="item-inner"></section>
    <section class="item-inner"></section>
    <section class="item-inner"></section>
    <section class="item-inner"></section>

<!-- Stuff after -->

If we apply a few baseline styles, this is what we get, which is already sufficient for small screens:

Now we can get into the grid properties!

Use display: grid to divide the page into independent layout containers

First, we need to determine which parts of the page should be aligned with grid layouts. It is possible to define a single grid layout for the whole page. However, for websites with a very complex structure (e.g. news websites), handling a large grid quickly becomes complicated to wrangle. In this case, I recommend breaking things down into several, independent grid containers.

Like this:

Where do you draw the line between what is and isn’t a grid? Here’s a personal rule of thumb I follow:

If the layout in a particular part of the page does not fit into the grid of an adjacent or surrounding part of the page, make that part its own grid container.

I have drawn the grid lines into the page section with the class .container-main in the following image You may notice that the section with the .container-inner class from the markup does not fit exactly into the grid of rows.

Here’s another possible layout where the small sections fit into the surrounding grid if a finer line raster is chosen. A separate grid container is not absolutely necessary here.

To kick this off, let’s .container-main into a grid container. This is the basic building block for CSS Grid — turning an element into a grid container with the display property:

.container-main {
  display: grid;         

We’ll want to do the same with our other grid containers:

.container-inner {
  display: grid;         

.container-nav {
  display: grid;         

Use grid-template-columns to define the required columns

Next, we’re going to define the number of columns we need in each grid container and how wide those columns should be. My guideline for the number of columns:  use the smallest common multiple of the maximum number of columns required for the different screen sizes.

How does that work? The .container-main element has a total of two columns on medium-sized screens. If we take that and multiply it by the number of columns on large screens (three), we get a total of six columns.

We can do the same for our navigation, the .container-inner element. There are three columns on medium-sized screens, which we multiple by one column on large screens to get a total of three columns.

The .container-nav element provides no number of columns. In this case, the grid system should automatically adjust the number of columns to the number of menu elements. It’s common to add or remove items in a navigation, and it’d be great if it responded accordingly, which is something grid can help us with a little later on.

OK, so we defined the number of columns for each grid container. Let’s use the grid-template-columns property to set those into place. But, first a couple of minor details:

  • The grid-template-columns property is only used on the grid container. In other words, you won’t find it being used (at least correctly) on a grid item inside the container.
  • The property accepts a bunch of different values that both define the number of columns and how wide they should be. The one we’re interested in here is the fractional (fr) unit. I’d highly suggest checking out Robin’s overview because it’s unique to grid and does an amazing job doing calculations to decide how grid elements fit inside a grid container.

We need six equal-width columns in .container-main. We can write that like this:

.container-main {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;

Or, we can turn to the repeat() function to simplify it into something more readable:

.container-main {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr);

Let’s take that knowledge and apply it to our .container-inner element as well, which we decided needs three columns.

.container-inner {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);

Use grid-gap to add spacing between grid items

By default, grid uses all the space it has in a grid container to fit in grid items. Having elements flush next to one another might be a design requirement, but not for the particular layout we’re making. We want some breathing room between things!

We have the grid-gap property for that. Again, this is a property that’s just for grid containers and what it does is create vertical and horizontal spacing between grid items. It’s actually a shorthand property that combines the vertical spacing powers of grid-row-gap and horizontal spacing powers of grid-column-gap. It’s handy that we’re able to break things out like that but, in times like this where we’re working with the same amount of spacing in each direction, the shorthand grid-gap is much nicer to write.

We want 20px of space between grid items in .container-main, 10px of space in .container-inner, and 5px of space in .container-nav. No problem! All it takes is a one-liner on each grid container.

  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr);
  grid-gap: 20px;

.container-inner {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
  grid-gap: 10px;

.container-nav {
  display: grid;
  grid-gap: 5px;

Use grid-column and grid-row to determine the size of the individual grid items

Now it is time to put the layout into the shape we want it!

First is the grid-column property, which allows us to extend a grid item across n columns, where n is the number of columns to span. If you’re thinking this sounds an awful lot like the rowspan attribute that lets us extend cells across multiple rows in HTML tables, you wouldn’t be wrong.

It looks like this when we use it on a grid .item in our .container-main element, and on the .inner-item elements in .container-inner:

.item {
  grid-column: span 6;

.item-inner {
  grid-column: span 3;

What we’re saying here is that each item span six rows in our main container and three rows in our inner container — which is the total number of columns in each container.

An interesting thing about CSS Grid is that we are able to name the lines of the grid. They come with implicit names out of the box but naming them is a powerful way to distinguish between the starting and ending lines for each column on the track.

We can change the number of columns and rows the items should span at different breakpoints:

@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
  .item-type-b {
    grid-column: span 3;

  .item-inner {
    grid-column: span 1;

@media screen and (min-width: 900px) {
  .item {
    grid-column: span 2;
    grid-row: span 2;

    grid-row: span 1;

    grid-column: span 3;

Using grid-auto-flow to control the placing of the elements

CSS Grid places elements one row after the other. This is why the result in our example looks like this at the moment:

A column-by-column placement can be achieved by setting the grid-auto-flow property to column (row is the default value). Our layout will profit from column-wise placement in two cases. First, it makes our menu items finally appear in a horizontal orientation. Secondly, it brings the elements of the container class into the desired grouping.

The final result

Conclusion: More or less specification?

The grid system allows us to work under the motto, “make as many specifications as necessary, but as few as possible.” We’ve only covered a few of the specifications necessary to turn elements into a CSS grid container and the items inside it into grid items for the sake of showing just how little you need to know to build even complex layouts with CSS Grid.

CSS Grid supports additional use cases where:

  • We want to make even fewer specifications in order to instead rely more on automatic positioning.
  • We want to make even more specifications in order to determine more details of the resulting layout.

If the first case applies, then it’s worth considering the following additional grid options:

  • When creating the grid with grid-template-columns, you can have the grid system automatically determine the width of individual columns with the auto keyword or adapt it to the existing content with the settings min-content, max-content, or fit-content.
  • You can let the grid system automatically determine the number of required columns with the help of repeat, auto-fill, auto-fit, and minmax. Even media queries can become redundant and these tools help make things flexible without adding more media queries.

Here are a couple of articles on the topic that I recommend: Becoming a CSS Grid Ninja! and Auto-Sizing Columns in CSS Grid: auto-fill vs. auto-fit.

If the second case applies, CSS Grid offers even more settings options for you:

  • You can explicitly specify the width of the columns in the unit of your choice (e.g. px or %) using the grid-template-columns property. In addition, the property grid-template-rows is available to define the number and width of rows, should there be a specific number of them. 
  • You can also define specific column or row numbers for positioning as values for grid-column and grid-row (or use the properties grid-column-start, grid-column-end, grid-row-start, or grid-row-end).

And we haven’t even gotten into CSS Grid alignment! Still, the fact that we can accomplish so much without even broaching that topic shows how powerful CSS Grid is.

4 CSS Grid Properties (and One Value) for Most of Your Layout Needs originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Responsive Grid Magazine Layout in Just 20 Lines of CSS Tue, 25 Feb 2020 15:15:40 +0000 I was recently working on a modern take of the blogroll. The idea was to offer readers a selection of latest posts from those blogs in a magazine-style layout, instead of just popping a list of our favorite blogs in …

Responsive Grid Magazine Layout in Just 20 Lines of CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I was recently working on a modern take of the blogroll. The idea was to offer readers a selection of latest posts from those blogs in a magazine-style layout, instead of just popping a list of our favorite blogs in the sidebar.

The easy part was grabbing a list of posts with excerpts from our favorite RSS feeds. For that, we used a WordPress plugin, Feedzy lite, which can aggregate multiple feeds into a single time-ordered list — perfect for showcasing their latest offerings. The hard part was making it all look awesome.

The plugin’s default list UI is rather bland, so I wanted to style it to look like a newspaper or magazine website with a mixture of smaller and larger “featured content” panels.

This seems like an ideal case for CSS Grid! Create a grid layout for different layouts, say, one five-column layout and one three-column layout, then use media queries to switch between them at different break points. Right? But do we actually need those media queries — and all the hassle of identifying break points — when we can use grid’s auto-fit options to automatically create a fluid responsive grid for us? 

The approach sounded tempting, but when I started introducing column-spanning elements, I ran into trouble with the grid overflowing on narrow screens. Media queries appeared to be the only solution. That is, until I found a workaround!

After looking at several tutorials on CSS Grid, I found that they largely fall into two camps:

  1. Tutorials that show you how to create an interesting layout with spanned elements, but for a fixed number of columns.
  2. Tutorials that explain how to make a responsive grid that resizes automatically, but with all of the grid items the same width (i.e. without any spanned columns).

I want to make the grid do both: create a fully responsive fluid layout that includes responsively resizing multi-column elements as well.

The beauty is that once you understand the limitations of responsive grids, and why and when column spans break grid responsiveness, it is possible to define a responsive magazine/news style layout in just a dozen lines of code plus one simple media query (or even with no media queries if you are willing to limit your span options).

Here’s a visual showing the RSS plugin right out of the box and what it’ll look like after we style it up. 


This magazine-style grid layout is fully responsive with the colored featured panels adjusting dynamically as the number of columns change. The page displays around 50 posts, but the layout code is agnostic as to the number of items displayed. Ramp up the plugin to show 100 items and the layout stays interesting all the way down.

All of this is achieved using only CSS and with only a single media query to deal with a single column display on the narrowest of screens (i.e. smaller than 460px).

Incredibly, this layout only took 21 lines of CSS (excluding global content styling). However, to achieve such flexibility in such a few lines of code, I had to dig deep into the more obscure parts of some of  CSS Grid and learn how to work around some of its inherent limitations.

The essential elements of the code that produce this layout is incredibly short and a testament to the awesomeness of CSS Grid:

.archive {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(210px, 1fr));
  grid-gap: 32px;
  grid-auto-flow: dense;

/* Extra-wide grid-posts */
.article:nth-child(31n + 1) {
  grid-column: 1 / -1;
.article:nth-child(16n + 2) {
  grid-column: -3 / -1;
.article:nth-child(16n + 10) {
  grid-column: 1 / -2;

/* Single column display for phones */
@media (max-width: 459px) {
  .archive {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

The techniques in this article could be used equally well to style any dynamically generated content such as the output from a latest posts widget, archive pages or search results.

Creating a responsive grid

I have set up seventeen items displaying a variety of mock content — headlines, images and excerpts — which are all contained in a wrapper

<div class="archive">
  <article class="article">
    <!-- content -->
  <!-- 16 more articles -->

The code that turns these items into a responsive grid is remarkably compact:

.archive {
  /* Define the element as a grid container */
  display: grid;
  /* Auto-fit as many items on a row as possible without going under 180px */
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(180px, 1fr));
  /* A little spacing between articles */
  grid-gap: 1em;

Notice how the heights of the rows automatically adjust to accommodate the tallest content in the row. If you change the width of the Pen, you will see the items grow and shrink fluidly and the number of columns change from one to five, respectively.

The CSS Grid magic at play here is the auto-fit keyword that works hand-in-hand with the minmax() function that’s applied to grid-template-columns.

How it works

We could have achieved the five-column layout alone using this:

.archive {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr);

However, this would create five columns that grow and shrink with different screen widths, but always stay at five columns, resulting in them becoming ridiculously narrow on small screens. The first thought might be to create a bunch of media queries and redefine the grid with different numbers of columns. That would work fine, but with the auto-fit keyword, it is all done automatically.

For auto-fit to work the way we want, we need to use the minmax() function. This tells the browser how small the columns can be squeezed down to followed by the maximum width they can expand to. Any smaller, and it will automatically reduce the number of columns. Any larger, and the number of columns increases.

.archive {
  grid-template-columns: repeat (auto-fit, minmax(180px, 1fr));

In this example, the browser will fit in as many columns as it can 180px wide. If there is space left over the columns will all grow equally by sharing the remaining space between them —  that’s what the 1fr value is saying: make the columns equal fractions of the available width. 

Drag the window out and as the available space increases the columns all grow equally to use up any additional space. The columns will keep growing until the available space allows for an additional 180px column, at which point a whole new column appears. Decrease the screen width, and the process reverses, perfectly adjusting the grid all the way down to a single column layout. Magic!

And you get all this responsiveness out of just one line of code. How cool is that? 

Creating spans with “autoflow: dense”

So far, we have a responsive grid but all items the same width. For a news or magazine layout we need some content to be featured by spanning two or more columns or even, perhaps, to span all the columns.

To create multi-column spans we can add the column-span feature to the grid items we want to take up more space. For example, if we want the third item in our list to be two columns wide we can add:

.article:nth-child(3) {
  grid-column: span 2;

However, once we start adding spans a number of problems can arise. First, gaps may appear in the grid because a wide item may may not fit on the row, so grid auto-fit pushes it onto the next line, leaving a gap where it would have been:

The easy fix is adding grid-auto-flow: dense to the grid element which tells the browser to fill in any gaps with other items, effectively making the narrower content flow around the wider items like this:

Note that the items are now out of order, with the fourth item coming before the third item, which is double the width. There is no way round this as far as I can tell, and it is one of the limitations you have to accept with CSS Grid.

Check out Geoff Graham’s “The Auto-Flowing Powers of Grid’s Dense Keyword” for an introduction to grid-auto-flow: dense with examples of how it behaves.

Ways to specify spans

There are several ways to indicate how many columns an item should span. The easiest is to apply grid-columns: span [n] to one of the items, where n  is the number of columns the element will span. The third item in our layout has grid-column: span 2, which explains why it is double the width of other items that only span a single column.

Other methods require you to explicitly define grid lines. The numbering system for grid lines is as follows:

Grid lines can be specified from left-to-right using positive values (e.g. 1, 2, 3) or negative values (e.g. -1, -2, -3) to go from right-to-left. These can be used to place items on the grid using the grid-column property like this:

.grid-item {
  grid-column: (start track) / (end track);

So, this gives us additional ways to specify a spanned item. This is especially flexible as either the start or end value can be replaced with the span keyword. For example, the three-column blue box in the example above could be created by adding any of the following to the eighth grid item:

  • grid-column: 3 / 6
  • grid-column: -4 / -1
  • grid-column: 3 / span 3
  • grid-column: -4 / span 3
  • grid-column: span 3 / -1
  • Etc.

On a non-responsive (i.e. fixed columns) grid, these all produce the same effect (like the blue box above), however, if the grid is responsive and the number of columns changes, their differences start to become apparent. Certain column spans break the  layout with an auto-flowing grid, making the two techniques appear incompatible. Fortunately, there are some solutions which allow us to combine the two successfully. 

First, however, we need to understand the problem.

Overflow side-scrolling problems

Here are some featured areas created using the notation above:


It all looks good at full-width (five columns) but when resized to what should be two columns, the layout breaks like this:

 As you can see, our grid has lost its responsiveness and, although the container has shrunk, the grid is trying to maintain all five columns. To do so, it has given up trying to keep equal-width columns, and the grid is breaking out of the right-hand side of its container, causing horizontal scrolling.

Why is this? The problem comes about because the browser is trying to honor the explicit grid lines we named. At this width, the auto-fit grid should implicitly be displaying two columns, but our grid line numbering system contradicts this by explicitly referring to the fifth grid line. This contradiction leads to the mess. To display our implicit two-column grid correctly, the only line numbers allowed are 1, 2 and 3 and -3, -2, -1, like this:

But if any of our grid items contains grid-column references that lie outside this, such as grid line number 4, 5 or 6 (or -4, -5 or -6), the browser is getting mixed messages. On the one hand, we have asked it to automatic create flexible columns (which should implicitly give us two columns at this screen width) but we have also explicitly referred to grid lines that don’t appear in a two-column grid. When there is a conflict between implicit (automatic) columns and an explicit number of columns, grid always defers to the explicit grid; hence the unwanted columns and horizontal overflow (which has also been aptly named CSS data loss). Just like using grid line numbers, spans can also create explicit columns. So, grid-column: span 3 (the eighth grid item in the demo) forces the grid to explicitly adopt at least three columns, whereas we want it, implicitly display two.

At this point it might seem like the only way forward is to use media queries to change the grid-column values at the width where our layout breaks — but not so fast! That’s what I assumed at first. But after thinking it though a bit more and playing around with various options, I found there are a limited set of workarounds that work all the way down to two columns, leaving just one media query to cover a single column layout for the narrowest screens.

The solutions

The trick, I realized, is to only specify spans using grid lines that appear in the narrowest grid you intend to display. That is a two-column grid in this case. (We will use a media query to cover the single column scenario for very narrow screens.) That means we can safely use grid lines 1, 2 and 3 (or -3, -2 and -1) without breaking the grid.

I initially thought that meant limiting myself to a maximum span of two columns, using combinations of the following:

  • grid column: span 2
  • grid-column: 1 /3
  • grid-column: -3 / -1

Which remains perfectly responsive right down to two columns:

Although this works, it is rather limiting from a design perspective, and not particularly exciting. I wanted to be able to create spans that would be three, four or even five columns wide on large screens. But how? My first thought was that I would have to resort to media queries (OMG old habits die hard!) but I was trying to get away from that approach and think differently about responsive design.

Taking another look at what we can do with just 1 to 3 and -3 to -1, I gradually realized that I could mix positive and negative line numbers for the grid column’s start and end values ,such as 1/-3 and 2/-2. At first glance, this does not seem very interesting. That changes when you realize where these lines are located as you resize the grid: these spanned elements change width with the screen size. This opened up a whole new set of possibilities for responsive column spans: items that will span different numbers of columns as the screen gets wider, without needing media queries.

The first example I discovered is grid-column: 1/-1.This makes the item act like a full-width banner, spanning from the first to the last column at all column numbers. it even works down to one column wide!

By using grid-column: 1/-2, a left-aligned nearly-full-width span could be created that would always leave a one column item to the right of it. When shrunk to two columns it would shrink responsively to a single column. Surprisingly, it even works when shrunk to a single column layout. (The reason seems to be that grid will not collapse an item to zero width, so it remains one column wide, as does grid-column: 1/1.) I assumed grid-column: 2/-1 would work similarly, but aligned with the right-hand edge, and for the most part it does, except at one column display when it causes overflow.

Next I tried 1/-3  which worked fine on wider screen, showing at least three columns, and smaller screens, showing one column. I thought it would do something weird on a two-column grid as the first grid line is the same as the grid line with -3. To my surprise, it still displays fine as a single-column item. 

After a lot of playing around, I came up with eleven possible grid column values using grid line numbers from the two-column grid. Surprisingly, three of these work right down to single-column layouts. Seven more work down to two columns and would only need a single media query to deal with single column display.

Here is the full list:

Responsive grid-column values, showing how they display at different screen sizes in an auto-fit grid. (Demo)

As you can see, although this is a limited subset of every possible responsive span, there are actually a lot of possibilities.

  • 2/-2 is interesting as it creates a centered span which works all the way down to one column! 
  • 3/-1 is  least useful as it causes overflow even with two-columns.
  • 3/-3 was a surprise.

By using a variety of grid-column values from this list, it is possible to create an interesting and fully responsive layout. Using a single media query for the narrowest single-column display, we have ten different grid-column span patterns to play with.  

The single-column media query is generally straightforward as well. The one on this final demo reverts to using flexbox at smaller screens:

@media (max-width: 680px) {
  .archive {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

  .article {
    margin-bottom: 2em;

Here is the final grid which, as you can see, is fully responsive from one to five columns:


Using :nth-child() to repeat variable length displays

The last trick I used to get my code down to two dozen lines was the :nth-child(n) selector which I used to style multiple items in my grid. I wanted my span styling to apply to multiple items in my feed, so that the featured post boxes appeared regularly throughout the page. To start with I used a comma-separated selector list, like this:

.article:nth-child(50)  {
  background-color: rgba(128,0,64,0.8);
  grid-column: -3 / -1;

But I soon found this cumbersome, especially as I had to repeat this list for each child element I wanted to style within each article — such as the title, links and so on. During prototyping, if I wanted to play around with the position of my spanned elements, I had to manually change the numbers in each of these lists, which was tedious and error-prone.

That’s when I realized that I could use a powerful feature :nth-child pseudo-selector instead of a simple integer as I had used in the list above. :nth-child(n) can also take an equation, such as :nth-child(2n+ 2), which will target every second child element.

Here is how I used the :nth-child([formula]) to create the blue full-width panels in my grid which appear at the very top of the page, and is repeated just over half way down:

.article:nth-child(31n + 1) {
  grid-column: 1 / -1;
  background: rgba(11, 111, 222, 0.5);

The bit in the brackets (31n + 1 ) ensures that the 1st, 32nd, 63rd, etc. child is selected. The browser runs a loop starting with n=0 (in which case 31 * 0 + 1 = 1), then n=1 (31 * 1 + 1 = 32), then n=2 (31 * 2 + 1 = 63). In the last case, the browser realizes that there is no 63rd child item so it ignores that, stops looping, and applies the CSS to the 1st and 32nd children.

I do something similar for the purple boxes which alternate down the page from right-to-left:

.article:nth-child(16n + 2) {
  grid-column: -3 / -1;
  background: rgba(128, 0, 64, 0.8);

.article:nth-child(16n + 10) {
  grid-column: 1 / -2;
  background: rgba(128, 0, 64, 0.8);

The first selector is for the right-hand purple boxes. The 16n + 2 makes sure that the styling applies to every 16th grid item, starting with the second item.

The second selector targets the right-hand boxes. It uses the same spacing (16n) but with a different offset (10). As a result, these boxes appear regularly on the right-hand side for grid items 10, 26, 42, etc.

When it comes to the visual styling for these grid items and their contents, I used another trick to reduce repetition. For styles that both boxes share (such as the background-color, for example) a single selector can be used to target both:

.article:nth-child(8n + 2) {
  background: rgba(128, 0, 64, 0.8);
  /* Other shared syling */

This will target items 2, 10, 18, 26, 34, 42, 50, and so forth.  In other words,  it selects both the left- and right-hand featured boxes.

It works because 8n is exactly half of 16n, and because the offsets used in the two separate selectors have a difference of 8 (i.e. the difference between +10 and +2 is 8) 

Final thoughts

Right now, CSS Grid can be used to create flexible responsive grids with minimal code, but this does come with some significant limitations on positioning elements without the retrograde step of using media queries.

It would be great to be able to specify spans that would not force overflow on smaller screens. At the moment, we effectively tell the browser, “Make a responsive grid, please,” which it does beautifully. But when we continue by saying, “Oh, and make this grid item span four columns,” it throws a hissy-fit on narrow screens, prioritizing the four-column span request rather than the responsive grid. It would be great to be able to tell grid to prioritize responsiveness over our span request. Something like this:

.article {
  grid-column: span 3, autofit;

Another issue with responsive grids is the last row. As the screen width changes the last row will frequently not be filled. I spent a long time looking for a way to make the last grid item span (and hence fill) the remaining columns, but it seems you can’t do it in Grid right now. It would be nice if we could specify the item’s start position with a keyword like auto meaning, “Please leave the left-hand edge wherever it falls.” Like this:

.article {
  grid-column: auto, -1;

…which would make the left-hand edge span to the end of the row.

Responsive Grid Magazine Layout in Just 20 Lines of CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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