The State of Responsive 3D Shapes

As some people might know, I’ve always loved 3D geometry. Which has meant getting drawn towards playing with CSS 3D transforms in order to create various geometric shapes. I’ve built a huge collection of such demos, which you can check

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Ana Tudor on (Updated on )

Things to Watch Out for When Working with CSS 3D

I’ve always loved 3D geometry. I began playing with CSS 3D transforms as soon as I noticed support in CSS was getting decent. But while it felt natural to use transforms to create 2D shapes and move/rotate them in 3D …

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Ana Tudor on (Updated on )


The perspective-origin property determines the origin for the perspective property. Think of it as the vanishing point of the current 3D-space.

Note as for the perspective property, perspective-origin has to be defined on the parent element in order to give …

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The backface-visibility property relates to 3D transforms. With 3D transforms, you can manage to rotate an element so what we think of as the “front” of an element no longer faces the screen. For instance, this would flip an element …

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