Articles by

Šime Vidas

Editor at the Open Web Platform Daily Digest

Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: Reduced Motion, CORS,, popups, and 100vw

Weekly Platform News: Reduced Motion, CORS,, popups, and 100vw

In this week’s roundup, we highlight a proposal for a new <popup> element, check the use of prefers-reduced-motion on award-winning sites, learn how to opt into cross-origin isolation, see how approaches accessibility, and warn the dangers of 100vh.…

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: WebKit autofill, Using Cursor Pointer, Delaying Autoplay Videos

Weekly Platform News: WebKit autofill, Using Cursor Pointer, Delaying Autoplay Videos

In this week’s roundup, WebKit’s prefixed autofill becomes a standard, the pointer cursor is for more than just links, and browsers are jumping on board to delay videos set to autoplay until they’re in view… plus more! Let’s jump right …

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: The :not() pseudo-class, Video Media Queries, clip-path: path() Support

Weekly Platform News: The :not() pseudo-class, Video Media Queries, clip-path: path() Support

Hey, we’re back with weekly updates about the browser landscape from Šime Vidas.

In this week’s update, the CSS :not pseudo class can accept complex selectors, how to disable smooth scrolling when using “Find on page…” in Chrome, Safari’s …

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: Internet Explorer Mode, Speed Report in Search Console, Restricting Notification Prompts

Weekly Platform News: Internet Explorer Mode, Speed Report in Search Console, Restricting Notification Prompts

In this week’s roundup: Internet Explorer finds its way into Edge, Google Search Console touts a new speed report, and Firefox gives Facebook’s notification the silent treatment.

Let’s get into the news!…

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: Web Apps in Galaxy Store, Tappable Stories, CSS Subgrid

Weekly Platform News: Web Apps in Galaxy Store, Tappable Stories, CSS Subgrid

In this week’s roundup: Firefox gains locksmith-like powers, Samsung’s Galaxy Store starts supporting Progressive Web Apps, CSS Subgrid is shipping in Firefox 70, and a new study confirms that users prefer to tap into content rather than scroll through it.…

Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: WebAPK Limited to Chrome, Discernible Focus Rectangles, Modal Window API

Weekly Platform News: WebAPK Limited to Chrome, Discernible Focus Rectangles, Modal Window API

In this week’s roundup: “Add to home screen” has different meanings in Android, Chrome and Edge add some pop to focus rectangles on form inputs, and how third-party sites may be coming to a modal near you.…

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: CSS column-span Property, ADA applies to Websites, Auto-generated Image Descriptions

Weekly Platform News: CSS column-span Property, ADA applies to Websites, Auto-generated Image Descriptions

In this week’s roundup: multi-column layouts gain wide support, the ADA means more A11y for retailers, and Google is doing something about all the empty image alt attributes in the wild.…

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: Impact of Third-Party Code, Passive Mixed Content, Countries with the Slowest Connections

Weekly Platform News: Impact of Third-Party Code, Passive Mixed Content, Countries with the Slowest Connections

In this week’s roundup, Lighthouse sheds light on third-party scripts, insecure resources will get blocked on secure sites, and many country connection speeds are still trying to catch up to others… literally.

Measure the impact of third-party code during page…
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