lists – CSS-Tricks Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets. Thu, 02 Mar 2023 18:20:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 lists – CSS-Tricks 32 32 45537868 Everything You Need to Know About the Gap After the List Marker Thu, 02 Mar 2023 18:20:03 +0000 I was reading “Creative List Styling” on Google’s blog and noticed something odd in one of the code examples in the ::marker section of the article. The built-in list markers are bullets, ordinal numbers, and letters. The ::marker pseudo-element …

Everything You Need to Know About the Gap After the List Marker originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I was reading “Creative List Styling” on Google’s blog and noticed something odd in one of the code examples in the ::marker section of the article. The built-in list markers are bullets, ordinal numbers, and letters. The ::marker pseudo-element allows us to style these markers or replace them with a custom character or image.

::marker {
  content: url('/marker.svg') ' ';

The example that caught my attention uses an SVG icon as a custom marker for the list items. But there’s also a single space character (" ") in the CSS value next to the url() function. The purpose of this space seems to be to insert a gap after the custom marker.

When I saw this code, I immediately wondered if there was a better way to create the gap. Appending a space to content feels more like a workaround than the optimal solution. CSS provides margin and padding and other standard ways to space out elements on the page. Could none of these properties be used in this situation?

First, I tried to substitute the space character with a proper margin:

::marker {
  content: url('/marker.svg');
  margin-right: 1ch;

This didn’t work. As it turns out, ::marker only supports a small set of mostly text-related CSS properties. For example, you can change the font-size and color of the marker, and define a custom marker by setting content to a string or URL, as shown above. But the margin and padding properties are not supported, so setting them has no effect. What a disappointment.

Could it really be that a space character is the only way to insert a gap after a custom marker? I needed to find out. As I researched this topic, I made a few interesting discoveries that I’d like to share in this article.

Adding padding and margins

First, let’s confirm what margin and padding do on the <ul> and <li> elements. I’ve created a test page for this purpose. Drag the relevant sliders and observe the effect on the spacing on each side of the list marker. Tip: Use the Reset button liberally to reset all controls to their initial values.

Note: Browsers apply a default padding-inline-left of 40px to <ol> and <ul> elements. The logical padding-inline-left property is equivalent to the physical padding-left property in writing systems with a left-to-right inline direction. In this article, I’m going to use physical properties for the sake of simplicity.

As you can see, padding-left on <li> increases the gap after the list marker. The other three properties control the spacing to the left of the marker, in other words, the indentation of the list item.

Notice that even when the list item’s padding-left is 0px, there is still a minimum gap after the marker. This gap cannot be decreased with margin or padding. The exact length of the minimum gap depends on the browser.

First three properties: UL margin-left, UL padding-left, LI margin-left. Fourth property: LI padding-left.
The first three properties push the entire list item (including the marker) to the right. The fourth property pushes only the list item’s content to the right.

To sum up, the list item’s content is positioned at a browser-specific minimum distance from the marker, and this gap can be further increased by adding a padding-left to <li>.

Next, let’s see what happens when we position the marker inside the list item.

Moving the marker inside the list item

The list-style-position property accepts two keywords: outside, which is the default, and inside, which moves the marker inside the list item. The latter is useful for creating designs with full-width list items.

A grocery list. Each item has a thin bottom border that extends from the left to the right edge of the list.
The list marker is positioned inside the list item, so that the list item’s bottom border can extend to the left edge of the list box

If the marker is now inside the list item, does this mean that padding-left on <li> no longer increases the gap after the marker? Let’s find out. On my test page, turn on list-style-position: inside via the checkbox. How are the four padding and margin properties affected by this change?

As you can see, padding-left on <li> now increases the spacing to the left of the marker. This means that we’ve lost the ability to increase the gap after the marker. In this situation, it would be useful to be able to add margin-right to the ::marker itself, but that doesn’t work, as we’ve established above.

The four properties: UL margin-left, UL padding-left, LI margin-left, LI padding-left.
All four properties push the entire list item to the right. The minimum gap cannot be increased by standard means.

Additionally, there’s a bug in Chromium that causes the gap after the marker to triple after switching to inside positioning. By default, the length of the gap is about one-third of the text size. So at a default font-size of 16px, the gap is about 5.5px. After switching to inside, the gap grows to the full 16px in Chrome. This bug affects the disc, circle, and square markers, but not ordinal number markers.

The following image shows the default rendering of outside and inside-positioned list markers across three major browsers on macOS. For your convenience, I’ve horizontally aligned all list items on their markers to make it easier to compare the differences in gap sizes.

Six list items with varying gaps between the marker and text.
Only Firefox maintains the same gap size between the two marker positioning modes. This can be considered a browser interoperability (interop) issue.

To sum up, switching to list-style-position: inside introduces two problems. We can no longer increase the gap via padding-left on <li>, and the gap size is inconsistent between browsers.

Finally, let’s see what happens when we replace the default list marker with a custom marker.

Switching to a custom marker

There are two ways to define a custom marker:

  • list-style-type and list-style-image properties
  • content property on the ::marker pseudo-element

The content property is more powerful. For example, it allows us to use the counter() function to access the list item’s ordinal number (the implicit list-item counter) and decorate it with custom strings.

Unfortunately, Safari doesn’t support the content property on ::marker yet (WebKit bug). For this reason, I’m going to use the list-style-type property to define the custom marker. You can still use the ::marker selector to style the custom marker declared via list-style-type. That aspect of ::marker is supported in Safari.

Any Unicode character can potentially serve as a custom list marker, but only a small set of characters actually have “Bullet” in their official name, so I thought I’d compile them here for reference.

CharacterNameCode pointCSS keyword
Triangular BulletU+2023
Hyphen BulletU+2043
Black Leftwards BulletU+204C
Black Rightwards BulletU+204D
Inverse BulletU+25D8
White BulletU+25E6circle
Reversed Rotated Floral Heart BulletU+2619
Rotated Heavy Black Heart BulletU+2765
Rotated Floral Heart BulletU+2767
Circled White BulletU+29BE
⦿Circled BulletU+29BF

Note: The CSS square keyword does not have a corresponding “Bullet” character in Unicode. The character that comes closest is the Black Small Square (▪️) emoji (U+25AA).

Now let’s see what happens when we replace the default list marker with list-style-type: "•" (U+2022 Bullet). This is the same character as the default bullet, so there shouldn’t be any major rendering differences. On my test page, turn on the list-style-type option and observe any changes to the marker.

As you can see, there are two significant changes:

  1. There is no longer a minimum gap after the marker.
  2. The bullet has become smaller, as if it were rendered at a smaller font-size.

According to CSS Counter Styles Level 3, the default list marker (disc) should be “similar to • U+2022 BULLET”. It seems that browsers increase the size of the default bullet to make it more legible. Firefox even uses a special font, -moz-bullet-font, for the marker.

:marker selected in the inspector. Fonts used: -moz-bullet-font.
The “Fonts” pane in Firefox’s DOM inspector reveals the special font.

Can the small size problem be fixed with CSS? On my test page, turn on marker styling and observe what happens when you change the font-size, line-height, and font-family of the marker.

As you can see, increasing the font-size causes the custom marker to become vertically misaligned, and this cannot be corrected by decreasing the line-height. The vertical-align property, which could easily fix this problem, is not supported on ::marker.

But did you notice that changing the font-family can cause the marker to become bigger? Try setting it to Tahoma. This could potentially be a good-enough workaround for the small-size problem, although I haven’t tested which font works best across the major browsers and operating systems.

You may also have noticed that the Chromium bug doesn’t occur anymore when you position the marker inside the list item. This means that a custom marker can serve as a workaround for this bug. And this leads me to the main problem, and the reason why I started researching this topic. If you define a custom marker and position it inside the list item, there is no gap after the marker and no way to insert a gap by standard means.

  1. There is no minimum gap after custom markers.
  2. ::marker doesn’t support padding or margin.
  3. padding-left on <li> doesn’t increase the gap, since the marker is positioned inside.


Here’s a summary of all the key facts that I’ve mentioned in the article:

  1. Browsers apply a default padding-inline-start of 40px to <ul> and <ol> elements.
  2. There is a minimum gap after built-in list markers (disc, decimal, etc.). There is no minimum gap after custom markers (string or URL).
  3. The length of the gap can be increased by adding a padding-left to <ul>, but only if the marker is positioned outside the list item (the default mode).
  4. Custom string markers have a smaller default size than built-in markers. Changing the font-family on ::marker can increase their size.


Looking back at the code example from the beginning of the article, I think I understand now why there’s a space character in the content value. There is just no better way to insert a gap after the SVG marker. It’s a workaround that is needed because no amount of margin and padding can create a gap after a custom marker that is positioned inside the list item. A margin-right on ::marker could easily do it, but that is not supported.

Until ::marker adds support for more properties, web developers will often have no choice but to hide the marker and emulate it with a ::before pseudo-element. I had to do that myself recently because I couldn’t change the marker’s background-color. Hopefully, we won’t have to wait too long for a more powerful ::marker pseudo-element.

Everything You Need to Know About the Gap After the List Marker originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 2 376748
Newer Things to Know About Good Ol’ HTML Lists Mon, 28 Nov 2022 14:05:11 +0000 HTML lists are boring. They don’t do much, so we don’t really think about them despite how widely used they are. And we’re still able to do the same things we’ve always done to customize them, like removing markers, reversing …

Newer Things to Know About Good Ol’ HTML Lists originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

HTML lists are boring. They don’t do much, so we don’t really think about them despite how widely used they are. And we’re still able to do the same things we’ve always done to customize them, like removing markers, reversing order, and making custom counters.

There are, however, a few “newer” things — including dangers — to know when using lists. The dangers are mostly minor, but way more common than you might think. We’ll get to those, plus some new stuff we can do with lists, and even new ways to approach old solutions.

To clarify, these are the HTML elements we’re talking about:

  • Ordered lists <ol>
  • Unordered lists <ul>
  • Description lists <dl>
  • Interactive lists <menu>

Ordered lists, unordered lists, and interactive lists contain list items (<li>) which are displayed according to what kind of list we’re dealing with. An ordered list (<ol>) displays numbers next to list items. Unordered lists (<ul>) and menu elements (<menu>) displays bullet points next to list items. We call these “list markers” and they can even be styled using the ::marker pseudo-element. Description lists use description terms (<dt>) and description details (<dd>) instead of <li> and don’t have list markers. They‘re supposed to be used to display metadata and glossaries, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen them in the wild.

Let’s start off with the easy stuff — how to correctly (at least in my opinion) reset list styles. After that, we’ll take a look at a couple of accessibility issues before shining a light on the elusive <menu> element, which you may be surprised to learn… is actually a type of list, too!

Resetting list styles

Browsers automatically apply their own User Agent styles to help with the visual structure of lists right out of the box. That can be great! But if we want to start with a blank slate free of styling opinions, then we have to reset those styles first.

For example, we can remove the markers next to list items pretty easily. Nothing new here:

/* Zap all list markers! */
ol, ul, menu {
  list-style: none;

But modern CSS has new ways to help us target specific list instances. Let’s say we want to clear markers from all lists, except if those lists appear in long-form content, like an article. If we combine the powers of newer CSS pseudo-class functions :where() and :not(), we can isolate those instances and allow the markers in those cases:

/* Where there are lists that are not articles where there are lists... */
:where(ol, ul, menu):not(article :where(ol, ul, menu)) {
  list-style: none;

Why use :where() instead of :is()? The specificity of :where() is always zero, whereas :is() takes the specificity of the most specific element in its list of selectors. So, using :where() is a less forceful way of overriding things and can be easily overridden itself.

UA styles also apply padding to space a list item’s content from its marker. Again, that’s a pretty nice affordance right out of the box in some cases, but if we’re already removing the list markers like we did above, then we may as well wipe out that padding too. This is another case for :where():

:where(ol, ul, menu) {
  padding-left: 0; /* or padding-inline-start */

OK, that’s going to prevent marker-less list items from appearing to float in space. But we sort of tossed out the baby with the bathwater and removed the padding in all instances, including the ones we previously isolated in an <article>. So, now those lists with markers sorta hang off the edge of the content box.

Notice that UA styles apply an extra 40px to the <menu> element.

So what we want to do is prevent the list markers from “hanging” outside the container. We can fix that with the list-style-position property:

Or not… maybe it comes down to stylistic preference?

Newer accessibility concerns with lists

Unfortunately, there are a couple of accessibility concerns when it comes to lists — even in these more modern times. One concern is a result of applying list-style: none; as we did when resetting UA styles.

In a nutshell, Safari does not read ordered and unordered lists styled with list-style: none as actual lists, like when navigating content with a screen reader. In other words, removing the markers also removes the list’s semantic meaning. The fix for this fix it to apply an ARIA list role on the list and a listitem role to the list items so screen readers will pick them up:

<ol style="list-style: none;" role="list">
  <li role="listItem">...</li>
  <li role="listItem">...</li>
  <li role="listItem">...</li>

<ul style="list-style: none;" role="list">
  <li role="listItem">...</li>
  <li role="listItem">...</li>
  <li role="listItem">...</li>

Oddly, Safari considers this to be a feature rather than a bug. Basically, users would report that screen readers were announcing too many lists (because developers tend to overuse them), so now, only those with role="list" are announced by screen readers, which actually isn’t that odd after all. Scott O’Hara has a detailed rundown of how it all went down.

A second accessibility concern isn’t one of our own making (hooray!). So, you know how you’re supposed to add an aria-label to <section> elements without headings? Well, it sometimes makes sense to do the same with a list that doesn’t contain a heading element that helps describe the list.

<!-- This list is somewhat described by the heading -->
  <h2>Grocery list</h2>
  <ol role="list">
     <!-- ... -->

<!-- This list is described by the aria-label -->
<ol role="list" aria-label="Grocery list">
  <!-- ... -->

You absolutely don’t have to use either method. Using a heading or an ARIA label is just added context, not a requirement — be sure to test your websites with screen readers and do what offers the best user experience for the situation.

In somewhat related news, Eric Bailey wrote up an excellent piece on why and how he considers aria-label to be a code smell.

Wait, <menu> is a list, too?

OK, so, you’re likely wondering about all of the <menu> elements that I’ve been slipping into the code examples. It’s actually super simple; menus are unordered lists except that they’re meant for interactive items. They’re even exposed to the accessibility tree as unordered lists.

In the early days of the semantic web, I mistakenly believed that menus were like <nav>s before believing that they were for context menus (or “toolbars” as the spec says) because that’s what early versions of the HTML spec said. (MDN has an interesting write-up on all of the deprecated stuff related to <menu> if you’re at all interested.)

Today, however, this is the semantic way to use menus:

<menu aria-label="Share article">

Personally, I think there are some good use-cases for <menu>. That last example shows a list of social sharing buttons wrapped up in a labeled <menu> element, the notable aspect being that the “Share article” label contributes a significant amount of context that helps describe what the buttons do.

Are menus absolutely necessary? No. Are they HTML landmarks? Definitely not. But they’re there if you enjoy fewer <div>s and you feel like the component could use an aria-label for additional context.

Anything else?

Yes, there’s also the aforementioned <dl> (description list) element, however, MDN doesn’t seem to consider them lists in the same way — it’s a list of groups containing terms — and I can’t say that I’ve really seen them in use. According to MDN, they’re supposed to be used for metadata, glossaries, and other types of key-value pairs. I would just avoid them on the grounds that all screen readers announce them differently.

But let’s not end things on a negative note. Here’s a list of super cool things you can do with lists:

Newer Things to Know About Good Ol’ HTML Lists originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 18 375273
A Perfect Table of Contents With HTML + CSS Wed, 25 May 2022 14:08:33 +0000 Earlier this year, I self-published an ebook called Understanding JavaScript Promises (free for download). Even though I didn’t have any intention of turning it into a print book, enough people reached out inquiring about a print version that …

A Perfect Table of Contents With HTML + CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Earlier this year, I self-published an ebook called Understanding JavaScript Promises (free for download). Even though I didn’t have any intention of turning it into a print book, enough people reached out inquiring about a print version that I decided to self-publish that as well .I thought it would be an easy exercise using HTML and CSS to generate a PDF and then send it off to the printer. What I didn’t realize was that I didn’t have an answer to an important part of a print book: the table of contents.

The makeup of a table of contents

At its core, a table of contents is fairly simple. Each line represents a part of a book or webpage and indicates where you can find that content. Typically, the lines contain three parts:

  1. The title of the chapter or section
  2. Leaders (i.e. those dots, dashes, or lines) that visually connect the title to the page number
  3. The page number

A table of contents is easy to generate inside of word processing tools like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, but because my content was in Markdown and then transformed into HTML, that wasn’t a good option for me. I wanted something automated that would work with HTML to generate the table of contents in a format that was suitable for print. I also wanted each line to be a link so it could be used in webpages and PDFs to navigate around the document. I also wanted dot leaders between the title and page number.

And so I began researching.

I came across two excellent blog posts on creating a table of contents with HTML and CSS. The first was “Build a Table of Contents from your HTML” by Julie Blanc. Julie worked on PagedJS, a polyfill for missing paged media features in web browsers that properly formats documents for print. I started with Julie’s example, but found that it didn’t quite work for me. Next, I found Christoph Grabo’s “Responsive TOC leader lines with CSS” post, which introduced the concept of using CSS Grid (as opposed to Julie’s float-based approach) to make alignment easier. Once again, though, his approach wasn’t quite right for my purposes.

After reading these two posts, though, I felt I had a good enough understanding of the layout issues to embark on my own. I used pieces from both blog posts as well as adding some new HTML and CSS concepts into the approach to come up with a result I’m happy with.

Choosing the correct markup

When deciding on the correct markup for a table of contents, I thought primarily about the correct semantics. Fundamentally, a table of contents is about a title (chapter or subsection) being tied to a page number, almost like a key-value pair. That led me to two options:

  • One option is to use a table (<table>) with one column for the title and one column for the page.
  • Then there’s the often unused and forgotten definition list (<dl>) element. It also acts as a key-value map. So, once again, the relationship between the title and the page number would be obvious.

Either of these seemed like good options until I realized that they really only work for single-level tables of contents, namely, only if I wanted to have a table of contents with just chapter names. If I wanted to show subsections in the table of contents, though, I didn’t have any good options. Table elements aren’t great for hierarchical data, and while definition lists can technically be nested, the semantics didn’t seem correct. So, I went back to the drawing board.

I decided to build off of Julie’s approach and use a list; however, I opted for an ordered list (<ol>) instead of an unordered list (<ul>). I think an ordered list is more appropriate in this case. A table of contents represents a list of chapters and subheadings in the order in which they appear in the content. The order matters and shouldn’t get lost in the markup.

Unfortunately, using an ordered list means losing the semantic relationship between the title and the page number, so my next step was to re-establish that relationship within each list item. The easiest way to solve this is to simply insert the word “page” before the page number. That way, the relationship of the number relative to the text is clear, even without any other visual distinction.

Here’s a simple HTML skeleton that formed the basis of my markup:

<ol class="toc-list">
    <a href="#link_to_heading">
      <span class="title">Chapter or subsection title</span>
      <span class="page">Page 1</span>

      <!-- subsection items -->

Applying styles to the table of contents

Once I had established the markup I planned to use, the next step was to apply some styles.

First, I removed the autogenerated numbers. You can choose to keep the autogenerated numbers in your own project if you’d like, but it’s common for books to have unnumbered forewords and afterwords included in the list of chapters, which makes the autogenerated numbers incorrect.

For my purpose, I would fill in the chapter numbers manually then adjust the layout so the top-level list doesn’t have any padding (thus aligning it with paragraphs) and each embedded list is indented by two spaces. I chose to use a 2ch padding value because I still wasn’t quite sure which font I would use. The ch length unit allows the padding to be relative to the width of a character — no matter what font is used — rather than an absolute pixel size that could wind up looking inconsistent.

Here’s the CSS I ended up with:

.toc-list, .toc-list ol {
  list-style-type: none;

.toc-list {
  padding: 0;

.toc-list ol {
  padding-inline-start: 2ch;

Sara Soueidan pointed out to me that WebKit browsers remove list semantics when list-style-type is none, so I needed to add role="list" into the HTML to preserve it:

<ol class="toc-list" role="list">
    <a href="#link_to_heading">
      <span class="title">Chapter or subsection title</span>
      <span class="page">Page 1</span>

    <ol role="list">
      <!-- subsection items -->

Styling the title and page number

With the list styled to my liking, it was time to move on to styling an individual list item. For each item in the table of contents, the title and page number must be on the same line, with the title to the left and the page number aligned to the right.

You might be thinking, “No problem, that’s what flexbox is for!” You aren’t wrong! Flexbox can indeed achieve the correct title-page alignment. But there are some tricky alignment issues when the leaders are added, so I instead opted to go with Christoph’s approach using a grid, which as a bonus as it also helps with multiline titles. Here is the CSS for an individual item:

.toc-list li > a {
  text-decoration: none;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: auto max-content;
  align-items: end;

.toc-list li > a > .page {
  text-align: right;

The grid has two columns, the first of which is auto-sized to fill up the entire width of the container, minus the second column, which is sized to max-content. The page number is aligned to the right, as is traditional in a table of contents.

The only other change I made at this point was to hide the “Page” text. This is helpful for screen readers but unnecessary visually, so I used a traditional visually-hidden class to hide it from view:

.visually-hidden {
  clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
  clip-path: inset(100%);
  height: 1px;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: absolute;
  width: 1px;
  white-space: nowrap;

And, of course, the HTML needs to be updated to use that class:

<ol class="toc-list" role="list">
    <a href="#link_to_heading">
      <span class="title">Chapter or subsection title</span>
      <span class="page"><span class="visually-hidden">Page</span> 1</span>

    <ol role="list">
      <!-- subsection items -->

With this foundation in place, I moved on to address the leaders between the title and the page.

Creating dot leaders

Leaders are so common in print media that you might be wondering, why doesn’t CSS already support that? The answer is: it does. Well, kind of.

There is actually a leader() function defined in the CSS Generated Content for Paged Media specification. However, as with much of the paged media specifications, this function isn’t implemented in any browsers, therefore excluding it as an option (at least at the time I’m writing this). It’s not even listed on, presumably because no one has implemented it and there are no plans or signals that they will.

Fortunately, both Julie and Christoph already addressed this problem in their respective posts. To insert the dot leaders, they both used a ::after pseudo-element with its content property set to a very long string of dots, like this:

.toc-list li > a > .title {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;

.toc-list li > a .title::after {
  position: absolute;
  padding-left: .25ch;
  content: " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ";
  text-align: right;

The ::after pseudo-element is set to an absolute position to take it out of the flow of the page and avoid wrapping to other lines. The text is aligned to the right because we want the last dots of each line flush to the number at the end of the line. (More on the complexities of this later.) The .title element is set to have a relative position so the ::after pseudo-element doesn’t break out of its box. Meanwhile, the overflow is hidden so all those extra dots invisible. The result is a pretty table of contents with dot leaders.

However, there’s something else that needs consideration.

Sara also pointed out to me that all of those dots count as text to screen readers. So what do you hear? “Introduction dot dot dot dot…” until all of the dots are announced. That’s an awful experience for screen reader users.

The solution is to insert an additional element with aria-hidden set to true and then use that element to insert the dots. So the HTML becomes:

<ol class="toc-list" role="list">
    <a href="#link_to_heading">
      <span class="title">Chapter or subsection title<span class="leaders" aria-hidden="true"></span></span>
      <span class="page"><span class="visually-hidden">Page</span> 1</span>

    <ol role="list">
      <!-- subsection items -->

And the CSS becomes:

.toc-list li > a > .title {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;

.toc-list li > a .leaders::after {
  position: absolute;
  padding-left: .25ch;
  content: " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
      ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ";
  text-align: right;

Now screen readers will ignore the dots and spare users the frustration of listening to multiple dots being announced.

Finishing touches

At this point, the table of contents component looks pretty good, but it could use some minor detail work. To start, most books visually offset chapter titles from subsection titles, so I made the top-level items bold and introduced a margin to separate subsections from the chapters that followed:

.toc-list > li > a {
  font-weight: bold;
  margin-block-start: 1em;

Next, I wanted to clean up the alignment of the page numbers. Everything looked okay when I was using a fixed-width font, but for variable-width fonts, the leader dots could end up forming a zigzag pattern as they adjust to the width of a page number. For instance, any page number with a 1 would be narrower than others, resulting in leader dots that are misaligned with the dots on previous or following lines.

Misaligned numbers and dots in a table of contents.

To fix this problem, I set font-variant-numeric to tabular-nums so all numbers are treated with the same width. By also setting the minimum width to 2ch, I ensured that all numbers with one or two digits are perfectly aligned. (You may want to set this to 3ch if your project has more than 100 pages.) Here is the final CSS for the page number:

.toc-list li > a > .page {
  min-width: 2ch;
  font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;
  text-align: right;
Aligned leader dots in a table of contents.

And with that, the table of contents is complete!


Creating a table of contents with nothing but HTML and CSS was more of a challenge than I expected, but I’m very happy with the result. Not only is this approach flexible enough to accommodate chapters and subsections, but it handles sub-subsections nicely without updating the CSS. The overall approach works on web pages where you want to link to the various locations of content, as well as PDFs where you want the table of contents to link to different pages. And of course, it also looks great in print if you’re ever inclined to use it in a brochure or book.

I’d like to thank Julie Blanc and Christoph Grabo for their excellent blog posts on creating a table of contents, as both of those were invaluable when I was getting started. I’d also like to thank Sara Soueidan for her accessibility feedback as I worked on this project.

A Perfect Table of Contents With HTML + CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 25 365888
CSS Pseudo Commas Mon, 30 Aug 2021 21:20:00 +0000 A bonafide CSS trick if there ever was one! @ShadowShahriar created a CodePen demo that uses pseudo-elements to place commas between list items that are displayed inline, and the result is a natural-looking complete sentence with proper punctuation.

CodePen Embed…

CSS Pseudo Commas originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

A bonafide CSS trick if there ever was one! @ShadowShahriar created a CodePen demo that uses pseudo-elements to place commas between list items that are displayed inline, and the result is a natural-looking complete sentence with proper punctuation.

How it works

The trick? First, it’s to make an unordered list an inline element with no markers or spacing:

ul {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  display: inline;
  list-style-type: none;

Next, we display list items inline so they flow naturally as text in a sentence:

li {
  display: inline;

Then we add commas between list items by selecting their ::after pseudo-element, and setting it’s content property with a comma (,) value.

  content: var(--separator);

Oh, but wait! What about the ol’ Oxford comma? Use :nth-last-of-type() to select the second-to-last list item, and set its ::after pseudo-element’s content property to ", and" before the last list item.

  content: ", and ";

We’re not done. @ShadowShahriar considers an edge case where there are only two items. All we need is to display an “and” between those two items, so:

li:first-of-type:nth-last-of-type(2)::after {
  content: " and ";

I had to look that up on Selectors Explained to make sure I was reading it correctly. That’s saying:

The after pseudo-element

… of a <li> element provided it is the first of its type in its parent and the nth of its type from the end (formula) in its parent.

What a mouthful! The final touch is a period at the end of the list:

li:last-of-type::after {
  content: ".";

Using custom properties

We just looked at an abridged version of the actual code. @ShadowShahriar does a nice thing by setting a comma and the “and” as custom properties:

ul {
  --separator: ",";
  --connector: "and";

  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  display: inline;
  list-style-type: none;

That way, when we can swap those out for other ways to separate list items later. Nice touch.

This caught my eye not only for its clever use of pseudo-element trickery, but also for its simplicity. It’s using tried and true CSS principles in a way that supports semantic HTML — no extra classes, elements, or even JavaScript to help manipulate things. It almost makes me wonder if HTML could use some sort of inline list element (<il> anyone???) to help support sentences convey list items without breaking out of a paragraph.

To Shared LinkPermalink on CSS-Tricks

CSS Pseudo Commas originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 8 350670
List Markers and String Styles Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:32:41 +0000 Lists—we’ve all worked with them in one form or another. I’m talking about HTML’s <ol> and <ul>. Much of the time, because we desire styling control, we turn off the list’s markers completely with list-style-type: none, and start …

List Markers and String Styles originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Lists—we’ve all worked with them in one form or another. I’m talking about HTML’s <ol> and <ul>. Much of the time, because we desire styling control, we turn off the list’s markers completely with list-style-type: none, and start styling from there. Other times, we choose from a very limited set of unordered list markers, such as disc, circle, or square; or a (much) wider range of ordered list markers. We might even, from time to time, supply the URL of an image to be used.

But what if we want to style the markers differently than the contents of the list items? That’s always been difficult at best. Now, thanks to the ::marker pseudo-element, it’s a whole lot easier. You don’t get the full range of CSS to apply to the markers, but there’s still a great deal that can be done.

::marker is available in Firefox and, thanks to work by Igalia, Chrome as well.

Consider this list:

By default, that will yield an ordered list numbered from 1 to 5, using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.), each followed by a dot (period), all of which will match the text contents in font face, size, style, color, and so on.

If you had a design direction that required making the numbers smaller or a different color, you’d have to manually create that effect by suppressing the markers and using the ::before pseudo-element and CSS counters and negative text indenting and… well, it would take a scientist to explain it all.

Enter ::marker. Add these styles to the above list, and you’ll get the result shown after.

That’s all you need!

Before you go tearing off to rewrite all your CSS, though, beware: the properties you can apply via ::marker are fairly limited at the moment. As of February 2021, the properties that markers should recognize are:

  • All font properties (font-face, font-size, etc.)
  • The white-space property
  • The color property
  • The internationalization properties text-combine-upright, unicode-bidi, and direction
  • The content property
  • All animation and transition properties

There are some additions in some browsers, but almost all of the additions relate to text styling, not the box model. So if you were thinking you could put all your list numbers into circles with shaded backgrounds, ::marker won’t get you there—you’ll have to return to the hackfest of ::before generated content. For now, anyway: the specification explicitly says more properties may be permitted for ::marker in the future.

There’s also a limitation around white-space, which has rendering bugs in varying browsers. Chrome, for example, treats all whitespace in markers as white-space: pre as the specification says, but won’t let you change it. This should be fixed when Chrome’s LayoutNG (Next Generation) ships, but not until then. Firefox, on the other hand, ignores any white-space values, and treats whitespace like normal-flow text by default.

With those limits in mind, you can still jazz up your markers with the content property. Instead of numbers followed by a period, you can put each number in brackets with a combination of counters and strings.

Note the space after the closing bracket in the content value. That’s included to provide a little bit of space between the marker and the list content. Ordinarily you might think to use a marking or padding, but as we saw earlier, those properties can’t be applied with ::marker. Which is frustrating! Also note the CSS counter list-item. That wasn’t defined anywhere else in the CSS—it’s a built-in counter that all browsers (that understand CSS counters) use to count list items, like those in ordered lists. You can use it in your CSS as well!

If all you want to do is change the text content of a list marker and don’t care about changing any of its styles, you can do that with ::marker, or you can do it with the new cross-browser support for string values on the list-style-type property.

li.warning {

So that’s what’s new in the world of list markers. It might not be something you need to do often, but if you ever do, it’s good to know that the capabilities in this area have increased, and stand to be even better in the future. Let us know if you come up with some clever markers!

List Markers and String Styles originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 3 339298
How to Make a List Component with Emotion Wed, 08 Jul 2020 14:46:38 +0000 I’ve been doing a bit of refactoring this week at Sentry and I noticed that we didn’t have a generic List component that we could use across projects and features. So, I started one, but here’s the rub: we style …

How to Make a List Component with Emotion originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I’ve been doing a bit of refactoring this week at Sentry and I noticed that we didn’t have a generic List component that we could use across projects and features. So, I started one, but here’s the rub: we style things at Sentry using Emotion, which I have only passing experience with and is described in the docs as…

[…] a library designed for writing css styles with JavaScript. It provides powerful and predictable style composition in addition to a great developer experience with features such as source maps, labels, and testing utilities. Both string and object styles are supported.

If you’ve never heard of Emotion, the general idea is this: when we’re working on big codebases with lots of components, we want to ensure that we can control the cascade of our CSS. So, let’s say you have an .active class in one file and you want to make sure that doesn’t impact the styles of a completely separate component in another file that also has a class

Emotion tackles this problem by adding custom strings to your classnames so they don’t conflict with other components. Here’s an example of the HTML it might output:

<div class="css-1tfy8g7-List e13k4qzl9"></div>

Pretty neat, huh? There’s lots of other tools and workflows out there though that do something very similar, such as CSS Modules.

To get started making the component, we first need to install Emotion into our project. I’m not going to walkthrough that stuff because it’s going to be different depending on your environment and setup. But once that’s complete we can go ahead and create a new component like this:

import React from 'react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';

export const List = styled('ul')`
  list-style: none;
  padding: 0;

This looks pretty weird to me because, not only are we writing styles for the <ul> element, but we’re defining that the component should render a <ul>, too. Combining both the markup and the styles in one place feels odd but I do like how simple it is. It just sort of messes with my mental model and the separation of concerns between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

In another component, we can import this <List> and use it like this:

import List from 'components/list';

<List>This is a list item.</List>

The styles we added to our list component will then be turned into a classname, like .oefioaueg, and then added to the <ul> element we defined in the component.

But we’re not done yet! With the list design, I needed to be able to render a <ul> and an <ol> with the same component. I also needed a version that allows me to place an icon within each list item. Just like this:

The cool (and also kind of weird) thing about Emotion is that we can use the as attribute to select which HTML element we’d like to render when we import our component. We can use this attribute to create our <ol> variant without having to make a custom type property or something. And that happens to look just like this:

<List>This will render a ul.</List>
<List as="ol">This will render an ol.</List>

That’s not just weird to me, right? It’s super neat, however, because it means that we don’t have to do any bizarro logic in the component itself just to change the markup.

It was at this point that I started to jot down what the perfect API for this component might look like though because then we can work our way back from there. This is what I imagined:

  <ListItem>Item 1</ListItem>
  <ListItem>Item 2</ListItem>
  <ListItem>Item 3</ListItem>

  <ListItem icon={<IconBusiness color="orange400" size="sm" />}>Item 1</ListItem>
  <ListItem icon={<IconBusiness color="orange400" size="sm" />}>Item 2</ListItem>
  <ListItem icon={<IconBusiness color="orange400" size="sm" />}>Item 3</ListItem>

<List as="ol">
  <ListItem>Item 1</ListItem>
  <ListItem>Item 2</ListItem>
  <ListItem>Item 3</ListItem>

So after making this sketch I knew we’d need two components, along with the ability to nest icon subcomponents within the <ListItem>. We can start like this:

import React from 'react';
import styled from '@emotion/styled';

export const List = styled('ul')`
  list-style: none;
  padding: 0;
  margin-bottom: 20px;

  ol& {
    counter-reset: numberedList;

That peculiar ol& syntax is how we tell emotion that these styles only apply to an element when it’s rendered as an <ol>. It’s often a good idea to just add a background: red; to this element to make sure your component is rendering things correctly.

Next up is our subcomponent, the <ListItem>. It’s important to note that at Sentry we also use TypeScript, so before we define our <ListItem> component, we’ll need to set our props up first:

type ListItemProps = {
  icon?: React.ReactNode;
  children?: string | React.ReactNode;
  className?: string;

Now we can add our <IconWrapper> component that will size an <Icon> component within the ListItem. If you remember from the example above, I wanted it to look something like this:

  <ListItem icon={<IconBusiness color="orange400" size="sm" />}>Item 1</ListItem>
  <ListItem icon={<IconBusiness color="orange400" size="sm" />}>Item 2</ListItem>
  <ListItem icon={<IconBusiness color="orange400" size="sm" />}>Item 3</ListItem>

That IconBusiness component is a preexisting component and we want to wrap it in a span so that we can style it. Thankfully, we’ll need just a tiny bit of CSS to align the icon properly with the text and the <IconWrapper> can handle all of that for us:

type ListItemProps = {
  icon?: React.ReactNode;
  children?: string | React.ReactNode;
  className?: string;

const IconWrapper = styled('span')`
  display: flex;
  margin-right: 15px;
  height: 16px;
  align-items: center;

Once we’ve done this we can finally add our <ListItem> component beneath these two, although it is considerably more complex. We’ll need to add the props, then we can render the <IconWrapper> above when the icon prop exists, and render the icon component that’s passed into it as well. I’ve also added all the styles below so you can see how I’m styling each of these variants:

export const ListItem = styled(({icon, className, children}: ListItemProps) => (
  <li className={className}>
    {icon && (
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  position: relative;
  padding-left: 34px;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
  /* Tiny circle and icon positioning */
	& > ${IconWrapper} {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;

  ul & {
    color: #aaa;
    /* This pseudo is the tiny circle for ul items */ 
    &:before {
      content: '';
      width: 6px;
      height: 6px;
      border-radius: 50%;
      margin-right: 15px;
      border: 1px solid #aaa;
      background-color: transparent;
      left: 5px;
      top: 10px;
    /* Icon styles */
    ${p =>
      p.icon &&
      span {
        top: 4px;
      /* Removes tiny circle pseudo if icon is present */
      &:before {
        content: none;
  /* When the list is rendered as an <ol> */
  ol & {
    &:before {
      counter-increment: numberedList;
      content: counter(numberedList);
      top: 3px;
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      text-align: center;
      width: 18px;
      height: 18px;
      font-size: 10px;
      font-weight: 600;
      border: 1px solid #aaa;
      border-radius: 50%;
      background-color: transparent;
      margin-right: 20px;

And there you have it! A relatively simple <List> component built with Emotion. Although, after going through this exercise I’m still not sure that I like the syntax. I reckon it sort of makes the simple stuff really simple but the medium-sized components much more complicated than they should be. Plus, it could be pretty darn confusing to a newcomer and that worries me a bit.

But everything is a learning experience, I guess. Either way, I’m glad I had the opportunity to work on this tiny component because it taught me a few good things about TypeScript, React, and trying to make our styles somewhat readable.

How to Make a List Component with Emotion originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

How to Reverse CSS Custom Counters Thu, 11 Jun 2020 14:42:27 +0000 I needed a numbered list of blog posts to be listed with the last/high first and going down from there. Like this:

5. Post Title
4. Post Title
3. Post Title
2. Post Title
1. Post Title

But the above …

How to Reverse CSS Custom Counters originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I needed a numbered list of blog posts to be listed with the last/high first and going down from there. Like this:

5. Post Title
4. Post Title
3. Post Title
2. Post Title
1. Post Title

But the above is just text. I wanted to do this with a semantic <ol> element.

The easy way

This can be done using HTML’ s reversed property on the <ol>:

<ol reversed>
  <li>Will Be</li>
  <li>Numbered In</li>

For most people, this would be enough. Job done. 

But I needed custom styles for the counters. 

Let it be known that custom list number styles can be done with the ::marker pseudo-element, but that isn’t yet supported by Chrome (although I hear it’s coming soon).

Because I wanted fully cross-browser compatible custom number styles, I went with custom counters. 

Adding and styling a custom counter

Styling the counters of an ordered list differently from the rest of the list requires disabling the default counters and creating and show our own using CSS Counters. Chris shared a few recipes a while back that are worth checking out.

Assuming we have the following HTML:

<ol class="fancy-numbered">
  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>

…we first need to disable the default counters that come with all ordered lists by setting the CSS property list-style-type to none like so:

ol.fancy-numbered {
  list-style-type: none;

That takes out all the default numbering. Next, we create a counter in CSS to track the number of items in the list.

ol.fancy-numbered {
  list-style-type: none;
  counter-reset: a;

This gives us a counter named “a” but it can be called it whatever you like. Let’s display our counter using the ::before pseudo-element on the list item (<li>).

ol.fancy-numbered li::before {
  content: counter(a)'.';

This will set the content of the pseudo-element to the value of our counter. Right now, that will print 1’s next to your list item.

We need to tell the CSS counter how to increment.

ol.fancy-numbered li::before {
  content: counter(a)'.';
  counter-increment: a;

The starting value of “a” is zero, which seems weird, but the default increment is 1, meaning that becomes the actual starting point.  Incrementing up by 1 just happens to be the default, but we can change that as we’ll soon see.

We can now proceed to apply any custom styles we want to the counter, because the counter is just a text pseudo-element that is wide open to styling:

ol.fancy-numbered li::before {
  content: counter(a)'.';
  counter-increment: a;   
  position: absolute;   
  left: 0;   
  color: blue;   
  font-size: 4rem;

For example, here, we’ve made the counter color blue and increased the font size. These are things that we couldn’t do using the default counter.

Reversing custom counters

If we add the reversed property to the <ol> element like we did before, we will observe no effect because we disabled the default numbering. That’s just what this property does.

<ol class="fancy-numbered" reversed>
  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>
  <li>Item 3</li>

The code above has no effect on our custom numbering. It’s still probably a good idea to leave it on there, since our intention is to reverse the list. This keeps things semantically accurate.

To reverse the visual order of our counter-based numbering, we need to know the total number of items in the list and instruct the counter to start from that number and then decrement from there.

ol.fancy-numbered {
  counter-reset: a 4;
  list-style-type: none;

Here, we’re setting counter-reset to 4. In other words, we’re telling the browser to start the count at 4 instead of 1. We use 4 instead of 3, again, because the counter() rule is applied to the first item on the list, which is 0. But, in the case where we’re counting backwards, 4 becomes our 0. If we started from 3 and decremented, wind up at 0 instead of 1.

Next, we alter our counter-increment rule to decrease by 1 rather than increase, by making it a negative integer.

ol.fancy-numbered li:before {
  content: counter(a)'.';
  counter-increment: a -1;
  position: absolute;   
  left: 0;   
  color: blue;   
  font-size: 4rem;

And that’s it! Now the world is your oyster for stuff like step trackers:

Or how about a timeline:

Maybe a business plan?

How to Reverse CSS Custom Counters originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 3 312104
Did You Know the Ordered List Element Has Start and Reversed Attributes? Tue, 24 Mar 2020 19:59:19 +0000 I sure didn’t! Tomek Sułkowsi shows how we can reverse the numbering of ordered lists with a simple HTML attribute:

<ol reversed<liApple</li<liBanana</li<liPear</li</ol

CodePen Embed Fallback

And the start attribute can be added to …

Did You Know the Ordered List Element Has Start and Reversed Attributes? originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

I sure didn’t! Tomek Sułkowsi shows how we can reverse the numbering of ordered lists with a simple HTML attribute:

<ol reversed>

And the start attribute can be added to begin the list at a number other than one, like this:

<ol start="2">

I’m not sure how I never knew about these properties! I guess I can see how they might come in handy in the future. There are plenty of times when we need to break up ordered lists here on CSS-Tricks with things like code blocks and having a way to pick a list back up where it left off is a nice convenience.

Did You Know the Ordered List Element Has Start and Reversed Attributes? originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 7 305463
Finally, it Will Be Easy to Change the Color of List Bullets Thu, 14 Nov 2019 15:21:11 +0000 In my germinating years, the general advice was this:

  <li><span>List item</span></li>
  <!-- ... -->
li { color: red; } /* bullet */
li span { color: black; } /* text */

Not terrible, but not great. You’re “resetting” …

Finally, it Will Be Easy to Change the Color of List Bullets originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

In my germinating years, the general advice was this:

  <li><span>List item</span></li>
  <!-- ... -->
li { color: red; } /* bullet */
li span { color: black; } /* text */

Not terrible, but not great. You’re “resetting” everything at the span level, so it gets more complicated the more you do.

Things are getting much easier. Let’s take a walk through this world getting more modern as we go.

An alternative was to rip off the default list styling and replace it with a pseudo-element.

ul {
  list-style: none;

li::before {
  content: "• ";
  color: red;

If we need to count, we could do that with CSS counters.

ol {
  list-style: none;
  counter-reset: my-awesome-counter;

ol li {
  counter-increment: my-awesome-counter;

ol li::before {
  content: counter(my-awesome-counter) ". ";
  color: red;

Quick aside here: this doesn’t help with the color, but you can specify what character to use for the bullet by setting a string, like:

ul {
  list-style-type: '✽ ';

This is as of Firefox 39 (2015) and Chrome 79 (which comes out Dec 9, 2019).

For ordered lists, there is a ton of language-specific options. And those language styles work for CSS counters as well, which you can learn more about in Hui Jing’s deep dive.

See the Pen
Random CSS counters playground
by Chen Hui Jing (@huijing)
on CodePen.

But all the while, we only wanted to select the stupid bullet (or whatever it is) and style it. Now we are starting to be able to do just that.

As of Firefox 68 (July 2019), you can do like:

li::marker {
  color: red;
  content: "►";

…which, as you can see, changes the color and the bullet thing That is definitely the cleanest and easiest way to go, so it’s nice to see progress.

Tejas demonstrates:

See the Pen
::marker example
by Tejas (@tejask)
on CodePen.

Manuel Matuzović notes that if you set an element to a list-item display type, you can use markers on them as well.

h2 {
  display: list-item;

h2::marker {
  color: orange;
  content: "☞";

Even Safari has support at the time of this writing, so we should lean on Chrome here.

This browser support data is from Caniuse, which has more detail. A number indicates that browser supports the feature at that version and up.



Mobile / Tablet

Android ChromeAndroid FirefoxAndroidiOS Safari

Finally, it Will Be Easy to Change the Color of List Bullets originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 4 298638
Rendering Lists Using React Virtualized Thu, 13 Dec 2018 15:20:58 +0000 Working with data in React is relatively easy because React is designed to handle data as state. The hassle begins when the amount of data you need to consume becomes massive. For example, say you have to handle a dataset …

Rendering Lists Using React Virtualized originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Working with data in React is relatively easy because React is designed to handle data as state. The hassle begins when the amount of data you need to consume becomes massive. For example, say you have to handle a dataset which is between 500-1,000 records. This can result in massive loads and lead performance problems. Well, we’re going to look at how we can make use of virtualized lists in React to seamlessly render a long list of data in your application.

We’re going to use the React Virtualized component to get what we need. It will allow us to take large sets of data, process them on the fly, and render them with little-to-no jank.

The setup

React Virtualized already has a detailed set of instructions to get it up and running, so please check out the repo to get started.

We’re going to want data to work with, so we will set up a function which uses faker to create a large data set.

function createRecord(count) {
  let records = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      username: faker.internet.userName(),
  return records;

Next, we will pass it the number of data records we want to create, like so:

const records = createRecord(1000);

Alright, now we have what we need to work on rendering a list of those records!

Creating a virtualized list

Here’s the list we want to create, sans styling. We could make use of the few presentational styles that the library includes by importing the included CSS file, but we’re going to leave that out in this post.

See the Pen React Virtualized 1 by Kingsley Silas Chijioke (@kinsomicrote) on CodePen.

Go ahead and re-run that demo. Crazy fast, right?

You might wonder what the heck React Virtualized is doing behind the scenes to make that happen. Turns out it’s a bunch of crazy and cool sizing, positioning, transforms and transitions that allow the records to scroll in and out of view. The data is already there and rendered. React Virtualized creates a window frame that allows records to slide in and out of view as the user scrolls through it.

To render a virtualized list in React Virtualized, we make use of its List component, which uses a Grid component internally to render the list.

First, we start by setting up rowRenderer, which is responsible for displaying a single row and sets up an index that assigns an ID to each record.

rowRenderer = ({ index, isScrolling, key, style }) => {
    return (
      <div key={key} style={style}>

As you can see, this returns a single div node that contains two additional divs: one for the username and another for the email. You know, a common list pattern to display users.

rowRenderer accepts several parameters. Here’s what they are and what each one does:

  • index: The numeric ID of a record.
  • isScrolling: Indicates if the scrolling is occurring in the List component.
  • isVisible: Determines if a row is visible or out of view.
  • key: The records position in the array.
  • parent: Defines whether the list is a parent or a child of another list.
  • style: A style object to position the row.

Now that we know more about the rowRenderer function, let’s make put it to use in the List component:


You may have noticed a few new parameters. Here’s what they are:

  • rowCount: This takes the numbers of a row in a list that we pass to calculate the length of our list.
  • width: The width of the list.
  • height: The height of the list.
  • rowHeight: This can be a number or a function that returns a row height given its index.
  • rowRenderer: This is responsible for rendering the row. the list is not supposed to be passed directly, so we pass the rowRenderer function that we created in this tutorial.
  • overscanRowCount: This is used to render additional rows in the direction the user scrolls. It reduces the chances of the user scrolling faster than the virtualized content is rendered.

At the end, your code should look something like this;

const { List } = ReactVirtualized


const height = 700;
const rowHeight = 40;
const width = 800;

class App extends React.Component {
  rowRenderer = ({ index, isScrolling, key, style }) => {
    return (
      <div key={key} style={style}>

  render() {
    return (

Cell measurer

According to the documentation, a cell measurer is a higher-order component that is used to temporarily render a list. It’s not yet visible to the user at this point, but the data is held and ready to display.

Why should you care about this? The popular use case is a situation where the value of your rowHeight is dynamic. React Virtualized can render the height of the row on render then cache that height so it no longer needs to calculate as data scrolls out of view — it’s always the right height, no matter the content it contains!

First, we create our cache, which can be done in our component’s constructor using CellMeasurerCache:

constructor() {
  this.cache = new CellMeasurerCache({
    fixedWidth: true,
    defaultHeight: 100

We make use of the cache when we set up the List component;


The value passed to deferredMeasurementCache will be used to temporarily rendering the data, then — as the calculated value for rowHeight comes in — additional rows will flow in like they were always there.

Next, though, we will make use of React Virtualized’s CellMeasurer component inside our rowRenderer function instead of the div we initially set up as a placeholder:

rowRenderer = ({ index, parent, key, style }) => {
  return (
      <div style={style}>

Now the data is fetched, cached and ready to display in the virtual window at will!

Virtualized table

Yeah, so the main point of this post is to cover lists, but what if we actually want to render data to a table instead? React Virtualized has you covered on that front, too. In this case, we will make use of Table and Column components that come baked into React Virtualized.

Here’s how we would put those components to use in our primary App component:

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          rowGetter={({ index }) =>[index]}

The Table component accepts the following parameters:

  • width: The width of the table.
  • height: The height of the table.
  • headerHeight: The table header height.
  • rowHeight: The height of a row given its index.
  • rowCount: This is the initial number of rows we want in the table. It’s the same as the way we defined the number of records we wanted to start with in the List component example.
  • rowGetter: This returns the data of a specific row by its index.

If you take a look at the Column component, you will notice that we put a dataKey parameter to use. That passes the data for each column we called in the dataKey, which receives a unique identifier for that data. Remember that in the function where we create our random data, we make use of two keys; username and email. This is why we have the dataKey of one column set as username and the other set as email.

In conclusion

Hopefully, this walkthrough gives you a good idea of what React Virtualized is capable of doing, how it can make rendering large data sets into lists and tables super fast, and how to put it to use in a project.

We’ve only scratched the surface here. The library is capable of handling a lot of other use cases, like generating placeholders for the data records on scroll, an infinite loading component to fetch and cache data in real-time, a method for allowing arrow keys to navigate through the data, and a slick grid and masonry layouts that we didn’t even cover here.

That should give you a lot to play around with!

Plus, the package is highly maintained. In fact, you can join the Slack group to keep up with the project, contribute to it, and generally get to connect with other folks.

It’s also worth noting that React Virtualized has it own tag in StackOverflow and that can be a good resource to find questions other people have asked about it, or even post your own questions.

Oh, and if you’ve put React Virtualized to use on a project, we’d love to know it! Share it with us in the comments with some notes on how you approached it or what you learned from it.

Rendering Lists Using React Virtualized originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Using CSS Counters for Custom List Number Styling Fri, 18 May 2018 14:16:01 +0000 How about a classic CSS trick! Getting custom styling on lists isn’t even so tricky anymore, since CSS counters have introduced counter-increment and counter-reset, and that is perfect for this. I just wanted to make sure you knew how …

Using CSS Counters for Custom List Number Styling originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

How about a classic CSS trick! Getting custom styling on lists isn’t even so tricky anymore, since CSS counters have introduced counter-increment and counter-reset, and that is perfect for this. I just wanted to make sure you knew how it works and had some easy-to-copy examples at the ready.

Let’s say all you wanna do is style the dang numbers:

Oh and hey, if you’re worried about lining up the numbers, you could apply the CSS counter with ::marker and let the magic of list-style do automatic alignment, or here’s an idea with subgrid.

Here’s a CSS counter example from the CodePen Challenges pages:

The keyframers made a Pen the other day that used pretty cool styles. Here’s a redux:

Recipe sites are great places to look for custom list styles, as lists of steps are such a prevelant feature. On Mat Marquis’ site, he’s got some fun ones. I ripped off his CSS and moved it here:

Examples of CSS counters

Make sure to check out the fun little media query change. Lea Verou’s food site, of course, has CSS counter-based numbering as well.

Here’s an interesting CSS counter demo from Jonathan Snook that has a “timeline” look and uses custom counters to label each section:

More Information

Using CSS Counters for Custom List Number Styling originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Ordered Lists with Unicode Symbols Mon, 01 May 2017 12:26:29 +0000 Ordered lists are among the oldest and most semantically rich elements in HTML. Anytime you need to communicate sequence or ranking, the <ol> tag is there to help. The default appearance of the <ol> tag presents numbers next to each …

Ordered Lists with Unicode Symbols originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Ordered lists are among the oldest and most semantically rich elements in HTML. Anytime you need to communicate sequence or ranking, the <ol> tag is there to help. The default appearance of the <ol> tag presents numbers next to each item in the list. You can use the list-style-type property in CSS to change the default to use Roman numerals or the letters of the alphabet. If you are feeling exotic, you can even use numbering from other cultures like Hebrew or Greek. The full list of available values is well-documented and easy to use.

Recently, I saw an opportunity to use dice in place of numbers for several ordered lists explaining the features of an HTML5 game I created called Triple Score Bopzee. To accomplish my goal, I first experimented with a now-familiar technique for using a small image file as the background for the li::before selector in a list. One change I made to the usual procedure is that I decided to avoid list-style-type: none in favor of using list-style-type: decimal and setting list-style-image to a 1×1 transparent GIF. That small change helps the page pass accessibility tests because screen readers will still see the list as a valid numbered list.

I created a Pen to demonstrate this classic technique using GIFs of numbers that contain the balls used in four major sports.

See the Pen Ordered List with Images by Steven Estrella (@sgestrella) on CodePen.

This technique would have worked for my needs on the bopzee web site but I got curious about how I could do it without using any images. The answer was to use the Unicode symbols \2680 through \2685 for the six dice. I created a class selector called “dicey” and used the nth-child and before pseudo selectors to position and choose the Unicode character for each list item. I added a link to the Normalize.css library to smooth out the subtle browser differences.

Here is the Pen for the completed dice list:

See the Pen Ordered Lists with Unicode Dice by Steven Estrella (@sgestrella) on CodePen.

So for a list like this:

<ol class="dicey">
  <li>I rolled a one.</li>
  <li>I rolled a two.</li>
  <li>I rolled a three.</li>
  <li>I rolled a four.</li>
  <li>I rolled a five.</li>
  <li>I rolled a six.</li>

This was the trick:

/* Still use a decimal based list for a11y */
ol {
  list-style:decimal url();

.dicey li:nth-child(1n):before {position:absolute;left:-1em;}

/* Actually set markers with pseudo element unicode */
.dicey li:nth-child(1):before {content: "\2680";}
.dicey li:nth-child(2):before {content: "\2681";}
.dicey li:nth-child(3):before {content: "\2682";}
.dicey li:nth-child(4):before {content: "\2683";}
.dicey li:nth-child(5):before {content: "\2684";}
.dicey li:nth-child(6):before {content: "\2685";}

Initially, I did not specify the font that would display the Unicode symbols. The result was not bad because today every modern web browser and web enabled device has access to at least one font that contains the necessary symbols from the Unicode block called “Miscellaneous Symbols.” There was some variation in appearance but it was quite tolerable. But I knew that if I wanted real control, I would have to find a free web font. I identified a font called DejaVu that would work by looking through the supported fonts list in the table of glyphs for the Miscellaneous Symbols block.

Once I knew the font name, I was able to create a WebFont kit at Font Squirrel. When creating a WebFont kit, it is important to choose the “No subsetting” option to be sure the fonts contain all the Unicode goodness you need for your icons. Or if you are concerned about file size, you can download the original TrueType or OpenType font, then use Font Squirrel’s WebFont generator in expert mode to include only the Unicode range 2600 to 26FF which captures all characters in the Unicode block called “Miscellaneous Symbols.”

Once you get started with Unicode, the fun never stops. I spent way too much time exploring the many icons that are part of the DejaVu font (complete list). There I found icons for playing card suits, astrological signs, arrows, bullets, musical symbols, geometric shapes, and a whole host of squiggles I can’t begin to name. So I took some of my favorites and created a Pen containing several different kinds of lists.

The complete Pen:

See the Pen Ordered Lists with Unicode Symbols by Steven Estrella (@sgestrella) on CodePen.

What about unordered lists?

You can give your <ul> elements the same great Unicode love using a modified form of this technique. Here is a Pen to get you started:

See the Pen Unordered List with Unicode Bullets by Steven Estrella (@sgestrella) on CodePen.

What about the future?

There is a new CSS rule called @counter-style which will allow us more easily to create custom counter styles for ordered lists, specifying the symbols to be used, the range of the list, and lots of other options. The CSS Counter Styles Level 3 specification is now a Candidate Recommendation at the W3C but as of May 2017 only Firefox supports it (with some issues). I would expect that Chrome, Edge, and Safari will add support sometime soon but the final version of Internet Explorer (version 11) will likely never have it. So if you have to support that browser, you will be stuck with tricks like the one described on this post until people stop using IE11 (perhaps the year 2020?).

Note that the @counter-style rule does not provide any way to style the counter symbol using CSS. So even when it is adopted by all browsers, there may be use cases for alternative solutions like the one presented here. You can read more about @counter-style on MDN. Here is a pen with a demonstration.

Be sure to use Firefox to see the effect:

See the Pen @counter-style demo (Firefox only as of May 2017) by Steven Estrella (@sgestrella) on CodePen.

On the shoulders of giants

We all learn from the work of others and I wish to credit the work of several writers whose articles I found informative when preparing this post.

Here is a Pen with the unordered list above using several different icon styles!

See the Pen List of Credits with Unicode Bullets by Steven Estrella (@sgestrella) on CodePen.

Ordered Lists with Unicode Symbols originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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counter-increment Tue, 06 Sep 2011 03:36:45 +0000 Ordered lists aren’t the only elements that can be automatically numbered. Thanks to the various counter-related properties, any element can be.

body {
  counter-reset: my-awesome-counter;
section {
  counter-increment: my-awesome-counter;
section:before {

counter-increment originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Ordered lists aren’t the only elements that can be automatically numbered. Thanks to the various counter-related properties, any element can be.

body {
  counter-reset: my-awesome-counter;
section {
  counter-increment: my-awesome-counter;
section:before {
  content: counter(my-awesome-counter);

Each <section> will respectively start with “1”, “2”, “3”, or “4”.

You can control the style of the counter by comma separating the counter function. e.g. to make them use Roman numerals:

section:before {
  content: counter(my-awesome-counter, upper-roman);


On CodePen:

More Information

Browser Support

Chrome Safari Firefox Opera IE Android iOS
2+ 3.1+ Any 9.2+ 8+ TBD TBD

counter-increment originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 13 14033
Breadcrumb Navigation with CSS Triangles Mon, 01 Nov 2010 11:26:19 +0000 Did you know you can make triangles with pure CSS? It’s pretty easy. You just make a block level element with zero width and height, a colored border on one side, and transparent borders on the two adjacent sides. They …

Breadcrumb Navigation with CSS Triangles originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Did you know you can make triangles with pure CSS? It’s pretty easy. You just make a block level element with zero width and height, a colored border on one side, and transparent borders on the two adjacent sides. They are fun for all kinds of things, like little arrow sticking out from speech bubbles, navigation pointers, and more. Often times these are just visual flourishes, undeserving of dedicated markup. Fortunately, pseduo elements are often a perfect fit. That is, using ::before, ::after, or both to create these block level elements and place the triangle. One neat use that came to mind in this vein: breadcrumb navigation.

The HTML Markup

Let’s keep things as absolutely clean as possible, and go with a simple unordered list with a “breadcrumb” class:

<ul class="breadcrumb">
  <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">Vehicles</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">Vans</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">Camper Vans</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">1989 VW Westfalia Vanagon</a></li>


First, we’ll ensure our list doesn’t look like a typical list. We’ll remove the default list styles, float the items to the left and set up very basic styling for each link. Note the hidden overflow on the list itself, this will be useful for two reasons. One, it ensures the menu has a height. Containers that contain only floated elements collapse, which is often not ideal. Two, when we make our triangles, we’re going to make them big.

.breadcrumb { 
  list-style: none; 
  overflow: hidden; 
  font: 18px Sans-Serif;
.breadcrumb li { 
  float: left; 
.breadcrumb li a {
  color: white;
  text-decoration: none; 
  padding: 10px 0 10px 65px;
  background: brown; /* fallback color */
  background: hsla(34,85%,35%,1); 
  position: relative; 
  display: block;
  float: left;

To create the triangle, we’ll use the ::after selector to make a pseudo element. It will be block-level, of zero height and width, and absolutely positioned 100% to the left, which means it will begin at the right edge of its parent. We’ll position it 50% from the top, and pull it back up -50px with margin, which will ensure it is absolutely centered. This is a classic trick. A few other things to note. The borders we’ll use are 50px on the top, 50px on the bottom, and on the left (making a right facing arrow) only 30px. This means a more flat-faced arrow. If we went higher than 50px it would be more sharp-tipped. Equal to 50px would make it a perfect 90 degrees. Because the top and bottom borders are 50px each, that makes the height of the arrow 100px. 100px is far taller than our menu is likely to be with its 18px font size and 10px of top and bottom padding. This is a good thing. It means we have plenty of room to play with tweaking the font size without worrying the triangle will show its limit.

.breadcrumb li a::after { 
  content: " "; 
  display: block; 
  width: 0; 
  height: 0;
  border-top: 50px solid transparent; /* Go big on the size, and let overflow hide */
  border-bottom: 50px solid transparent;
  border-left: 30px solid hsla(34,85%,35%,1);
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  margin-top: -50px; 
  left: 100%;
  z-index: 2; 

Notice the little 1px white line of separation? That’s another little trick. We can’t add a border directly to the triangle because it’s already made of a border! Instead, we’ll make another triangle, and set it behind our original triangle, and color it white. This one uses the ::before selector, but is otherwise exactly the same. Note that the z-index is what is important here. You could switch around which triangle uses ::after and which uses ::before, it really doesn’t matter.

.breadcrumb li a::before { 
  content: " "; 
  display: block; 
  width: 0; 
  height: 0;
  border-top: 50px solid transparent;       
  border-bottom: 50px solid transparent;
  border-left: 30px solid white;
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  margin-top: -50px; 
  margin-left: 1px;
  left: 100%;
  z-index: 1; 

Now onto the coloration. Since we are going a touch progressive here, there are two bits of CSS I think are perfect matches for this idea: nth-child and HSLa.

  • The cool part about nth-child: we can color the different levels of the breadcrumb with no additional markup
  • The cool part about HSLa: we can color the different levels of the breadcrumbs based on a single hue with different shades very easily

In addition to the colorization, we’ll make the first link have less left padding (less needed single a triangle isn’t up in its grill) and we’ll make the last link not have any coloring at all as well as not respond to clicks or show a pointer cursor. We can do these also with no additional markup needed through :first-child and :last-child.

.breadcrumb li:first-child a {
  padding-left: 10px;
.breadcrumb li:nth-child(2) a       { background:        hsla(34,85%,45%,1); }
.breadcrumb li:nth-child(2) a:after { border-left-color: hsla(34,85%,45%,1); }
.breadcrumb li:nth-child(3) a       { background:        hsla(34,85%,55%,1); }
.breadcrumb li:nth-child(3) a:after { border-left-color: hsla(34,85%,55%,1); }
.breadcrumb li:nth-child(4) a       { background:        hsla(34,85%,65%,1); }
.breadcrumb li:nth-child(4) a:after { border-left-color: hsla(34,85%,65%,1); }
.breadcrumb li:nth-child(5) a       { background:        hsla(34,85%,75%,1); }
.breadcrumb li:nth-child(5) a:after { border-left-color: hsla(34,85%,75%,1); }
.breadcrumb li:last-child a {
  background: transparent !important;
  color: black;
  pointer-events: none;
  cursor: default;
.breadcrumb li:last-child a::after { 
  border: 0; 

And finally, hover states. The only trick here is that we need to color the triangle as well as the link. No big deal.

.breadcrumb li a:hover { 
  background: hsla(34, 85%, 25%, 1); 
.breadcrumb li a:hover:after { 
  border-left-color: hsla(34, 85%, 25%, 1) !important; 

Deeper Browser Compatibility

Call me a lazy sack, but I didn’t bother to deal with very deep browser compatibility. I was more excited about the idea than thinking about production. If you want to use this idea, but are concerned about older browsers, here are some things to think about:


Here’s the example we covered, and a couple of variations:

See the Pen CSS Triangle Breadcrumbs by CSS-Tricks (@css-tricks) on CodePen.

Breadcrumb Navigation with CSS Triangles originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

]]> 69 7774
Listless Navigation – Using CSS To Do More With Less Thu, 13 Dec 2007 15:33:09 +0000 The best part about CSS is that it allows web developers to achieve more with less. What exactly does that mean? Well, for a start, CSS allows developers to:

  • Code much, much less XHTML
  • Separate website formatting from content
  • Control

Listless Navigation – Using CSS To Do More With Less originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

The best part about CSS is that it allows web developers to achieve more with less. What exactly does that mean? Well, for a start, CSS allows developers to:

  • Code much, much less XHTML
  • Separate website formatting from content
  • Control as much of the website theme/design as the developer allows himself with one CSS file
  • Easily adapt website display to the user instead of the user adapting to the website
  • Change the display of our website for specific devices and special circumstances

The list goes on and on. The functionality to do great things with less code is there; it’s up to the developer to code the XHTML to take full advantage of the power of CSS. One place I often see CSS being under-utilized is with navigation menus.

Depending on the design of your website, you may use vertical navigation or horizontal navigation. You may use both. If you’re using XHTML lists, <ol>’s or <ul>’s, for your navigation, there’s a good chance you’re writing extra code. It’s time to take advantage of CSS’ display property. We’re going to turn…

<div id="navigation">
	<ul class="nav-list">
		<li><a href="/css">CSS</a></li>
		<li><a href="/html">HTML</a></li>
		<li><a href="/mootools">MooTools</a></li>
		<li><a href="/php">PHP</a></li>
		<li><a href="/xml">XML</a></li>


<div id="navigation">
	<a href="/css">CSS</a>
	<a href="/html">HTML</a>
	<a href="/mootools">MooTools</a>
	<a href="/php">PHP</a>
	<a href="/xml">XML</a>

…using some very basic, cross-browser compatible CSS.

The only true advantage of using the list/list item method of structure, in this case, is that <li>’s are essentially “block” elements; they’re solid containers that drop to the next line unless floated. CSS allows us to block specified elements using the display:block; property/value combination. To lose that bloated list code above, we can specify display:block; for any link (<a>) inside the navigation menu.

#navigation a { display:block; }

The above example is all you need for vertical navigation. For horizontal navigation, you will need to specify a float value, just as you would have with the list items:

#navigation a { display:block; float:left; }

That’s all? Yes! In many cases, you can simply take the former <li> properties and move them to the link selector! The above code is a huge advantage to both the developer and the user because:

  • the developer can save a lot of bandwidth
  • the page downloads quicker for users
  • less code can mean faster maintenance
  • list properties wont interfere with your anchor properties

If you’re not convinced or would like to see this CSS/XHTML in action, feel free to view the source code of my website at:

Before You Comment…

My method has been criticized so I’d like to answer a few questions/comments I foresee.

1. This is ugly code!

I’ve never had a customer tell me my code was ugly. I have, however, been thanked for creating websites that load quickly. Remember that developers, in most cases, are the only ones who care about how your code looks. Functionality is the key.

2. It doesn’t save that much code!

Think of how many times your page is downloaded by users! Think of the extra download time your javascript libraries add! All web developers should consider download time.

3. Your code doesn’t degrade well.

Accessibility is always a consideration I take. If you were to turn off all CSS styles, the page would simply show links separated by a space. As good as a list? No, but still plainly readable.

In speaking with Chris, he brought up a very clever point. One could create a <h2> tag (or whichever you choose), call it “Navigation”, and hide it using CSS. If CSS is turned off, the “Navigation” heading will display and it will be clear to the user that he/she is viewing the navigation.

I’d like to extend a special thank you to Chris for letting me share my method with you. I plan on monitoring comments so please share your ideas and suggestions.

Listless Navigation – Using CSS To Do More With Less originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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