Articles by

Louis Lazaris

Front-end developer, author, speaker, and curator of Web Tools Weekly.

Front-End Tools: My Favorite Finds of 2017

Another twelve months have passed and I’m sure all of you have come across some interesting new coding techniques, technologies, CSS tricks (of course!), and other stuff that will make you more productive in 2018.

As some of you might …


The outline-offset property in CSS offsets a defined outline from an element’s border edge by a specified amount. An outline, which is different from a border, does not take up any space on the page (like an absolutely positioned element) …

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The overflow-wrap property in CSS allows you to specify that the browser can break a line of text inside the targeted element onto multiple lines in an otherwise unbreakable place. This helps to avoid an unusually long string of text …

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The caption-side property in CSS allows you to define where to position HTML’s <caption> element, used on HTML table headers. This property can also apply to any element whose display property is set to caption-side.…

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The transition-delay property, normally used as part of transition shorthand, is used to define a length of time to delay the start of a transition.

.delay-me {
  transition-delay: 0.25s;

The value can be one of the following:

  • A valid
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The transition-timing-function property, normally used as part of transition shorthand, is used to define a function that describes how a transition will proceed over its duration, allowing a transition to change speed during its course.

.example {
    transition-timing-function: ease-out;


The transition-duration property, normally used as part of transition shorthand, is used to define the duration of a specified transition. That is, the length of time it will take for the targeted element to transition between two defined states.
